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Events for January 30, 2007

  • CS Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tue, Jan 30, 2007 @ 03:30 PM - 04:50 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars

    Dr. Danny Cohen
    Distinguished Engineer
    CTO, Sun MicrosystemsTitle: Internet 0 (i0)Abstract: The growing demand for networking embedded devices has been met by a proliferation of incompatible standards that are repeating many of the early mistakes of what became the Internet. What's needed are the original architectural insights of the Internet, rather than their current technological embodiments. This is being done in the Internet 0
    (i0) initiative. Just as the Internet introduced internetworking by carrying an IP packet end-to-end, i0 introduces interdevice internetworking by carrying modulation end-to-end. This is done by representing an IP packet in time-domain impulses, self-consistently timed to allow the transient response to settle over the size of the network. i0 addresses the most important performance constraint on providing smart infrastructure for homes, buildings, and factories: the cost of complexity. By bringing IP to the leaf nodes of a network, over any available physical transport, and in a way that is independent of network topology, i0 extends the Internet to the scale required by the trillion-dollar-per-year construction industry. Like the Internet protocol itself, i0 is not optimal for anything but good enough for just about everything.Bio: Danny Cohen is a Distinguished Engineer working on the HPCS Program. Cohen received his PhD from Ivan Sutherland at Harvard University.
    Cohen pioneered visual realtime interactive flight simulation on general purpose computers. Later, he lead projects that pioneered realtime interactive applications over the ARPAnet and the Internet, such as visual flight simulation, packet-voice (aka Voice over IP) and packet-video.
    After being on the computer science faculty at Harvard (1969-1973) he joined USC/ISI (1973-1993) where he started many network related projects, including Packet-Voice, Packet-Video, Internet Concepts, MOSIS, FastXchange (e-Commerce), Digital Library, and ATOMIC which was the forerunner of Myrinet. In 1993 he started working on Distributed Interactive Simulation through several projects funded by DoD. In 1994 he cofounded Myricom (with Chuck Seitz et al) which commercialized Myrinet, a high-performance system area network. In 2001 he joined Sun and is working there on optical interconnection.
    Cohen served on several panels and boards for DoD, NIH, and NRC, including 5 years on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Air Force. He is a bona fide member of the Flat Earth Society, and a commercial pilot with SEL/MEL/SES ratings.
    Danny is still a student of Ivan.Hosted by Gerard MedioniSnacks to be served.

    Location: Seaver Science Library (SSL) - 150

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: Nancy Levien

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  • Amazon Web Services

    Tue, Jan 30, 2007 @ 07:30 PM - 10:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Student Activity

    Amazon Web Services will be in town on Tuesday, January 30 from 7:30-10:30 PM in MHP 106.What's cooking at Amazon these days?, What are Amazon Web Services? Why is Amazon Mechanical Turk named so? What's so "Elastic" about Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud? What's the limit of bottom-less hard-drive in the sky (Amazon S3)? What are some of the 200,000+ registered developers of AWS Developer community building?Let's find answers to these questions and more.It all started with Amazon E-Commerce Service (Amazon ECS), when Amazon.com opened its technology and product vault (2002) to developers worldwide, enabling them to construct powerful applications using the resources the company has built over eleven years. Since then, Amazon has launched ten new services that provide developers easy access to inexpensive, scalable web-based infrastructure.In this session, Jinesh Varia, Amazon's Web Services Evangelist, will talk about Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon MTurk and how these services can work together to do wonders. Also, we will see some exciting apps, built on AWS, that have become profitable businesses and others that are just plain-drop-dead-cool.So bring your open minds fully charged, as this session might spur up your thought-liquid for the next 'Eureka!' moment.Sponsored by Upsilon Pi Epsilon

    Location: Seeley Wintersmith Mudd Memorial Hall (of Philosophy) (MHP) - 106

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: Nancy Levien

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