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Events for February 06, 2020

  • Theory Lunch

    Thu, Feb 06, 2020 @ 12:15 PM - 02:00 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars

    Speaker: Kobbi Nissim, Georgetown University

    Talk Title: Legal Theorems of Privacy

    Abstract: There are significant gaps between legal and technical thinking around data privacy. Technical standards such as k-anonymity and differential privacy are described using mathematical language and strive for mathematical rigor whereas legal standards are not rigorous from a mathematical point of view and often resort to concepts such as de-identification and anonymization which they only partially define. As a result, arguments about the adequacy of technical privacy measures for satisfying legal privacy often lack rigor, and their conclusions are uncertain. The uncertainty is exacerbated by a litany of successful privacy attacks on privacy measures thought to meet legal expectations but then shown to fall short of doing so.

    We ask whether it is possible to introduce mathematical rigor into such analyses so as to make formal claims and prove "legal theorems" that technical privacy measures meet legal expectations. For that, we explore some of the gaps between these two very different approaches, and present initial strategies towards bridging these gaps. In particular, we focus on the concept of singling out from the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). To capture this concept, we define a new type of privacy attack, predicate singling out, where an adversary finds a predicate matching exactly one row in a database with probability significantly better then a statistical baseline. We then argue that any data release mechanism that purports to "render anonymous" data under the GDPR should prevent predicate singling out. Hence, the concept has legal consequences as it can be used as a yardstick for arguing whether data release mechanisms meet the GDPR standard of data anonymization.

    Biography: Professor Kobbi Nissim is a McDevitt Chair at the department of Computer Science, Georgetown University and affiliated with Georgetown Law. Nissim's work is focused on the mathematical formulation and understanding of privacy. His work from 2003 and 2004 with Dinur and Dwork initiated rigorous foundational research of privacy and in 2006 he introduced differential privacy with Dwork, McSherry and Smith. Nissim was awarded the Caspar Bowden Privacy for research in Privacy Enhancing Technology in 2019, the Gödel Prize in 2017, IACR TCC Test of Time Awards in 2016 and in 2018, and the ACM PODS Alberto O. Mendelzon Test-of-Time Award in 2013.

    Host: Shaddin Dughmi

    Location: 213

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: Cherie Carter

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  • CS Distinguished Lecture: Karon MacLean (University of British Columbia) - Making Haptics and its Design Accessible

    Thu, Feb 06, 2020 @ 04:00 PM - 05:20 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars

    Speaker: Karon MacLean, University of British Columbia, Canada

    Talk Title: Making Haptics and its Design Accessible

    Series: Computer Science Distinguished Lecture Series

    Abstract: Today's advances in tactile sensing and wearable, IOT and context-aware computing are spurring new ideas about how to configure touch-centered interactions in terms of roles and utility, which in turn expose new technical and social design questions. But while haptic actuation, sensing and control are improving, the difficulties of incorporating them into a real-world design process poses a major obstacle to adoption in everyday technology.

    In this talk I'll overview highlights chosen from of an ongoing effort to understand how to support haptic designers and end-users. These include online experimental design tools, DIY open sourced hardware and accessible means of creating, for example, expressive physical robot motions and evolve physically sensed expressive tactile languages, and major community-based studies of design practice.

    To accelerate design practice, we put our systems, designs and datasets online. A central and evolving piece of our larger openhaptics effort is Haptipedia, an expert-sourced, community-based browsable visualization of historical haptic inventions as a resource to future designers.

    This lecture satisfies requirements for CSCI 591: Research Colloquium.

    Biography: Karon MacLean is Professor in Computer Science at UBC, with degrees in Biology and Mechanical Engineering (BSc, Stanford; M.Sc. / Ph.D, MIT) and time spent as a professional robotics engineer (Center for Engineering Design, University of Utah) and haptics / interaction researcher (Interval Research, Palo Alto). At UBC since 2000, MacLean's research specializes in haptic (touch) interaction: cognitive, sensory and affective design for people interacting with the computation we touch, emote and move with and learn from, from robots to handheld devices and the situated environment. MacLean leads UBC's Designing for People interdisciplinary research cluster and CREATE graduate training program (25 researchers spanning 11 departments and 5 faculties - dfp.ubc.ca), is Special Advisor, Innovation and Knowledge Mobilization to UBC's Faculty of Science, and will co-chair ACM UIST (User Interface Software and Technology) in 2020.

    Host: Heather Culbertson

    Location: Henry Salvatori Computer Science Center (SAL) - 101

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: Computer Science Department

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