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Events for September

  • PhD Defense - Jun-young Kwak

    Thu, Sep 05, 2013 @ 09:00 AM - 11:00 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    University Calendar

    PhD Candidate: Jun-young Kwak

    Committee members:
    Milind Tambe (chair)
    Rajiv Maheswaran
    Yu-Han Chang
    Burcin Becerik-Gerber
    Wendy Wood (outside member)
    Pradeep Varakantham

    Time: September 5th 9am-11am
    Location: RTH 526

    Title: The Power of Flexibility: Towards Agents That Conserve Energy in Commercial Buildings


    Agent-based systems for energy conservation are now a growing area of research in multiagent systems, with applications ranging from energy management and control on the smart grid, to energy conservation in residential buildings, to energy generation and dynamic negotiations in distributed rural communities. Contributing to this area, my thesis presents new agent-based models and algorithms aiming to conserve energy in commercial buildings.

    More specifically, my thesis provides three sets of algorithmic contributions. First, when multiple users contribute to energy savings, fair division of credit for such savings arises as an important question. I appeal to cooperative game theory and specifically to the concept of Shapley value for this fair division. Unfortunately, scaling up this Shapley value computation is a major hindrance in practice. Therefore, I present novel approximation algorithms to efficiently compute the Shapley value based on sampling and partitions and to speed up the characteristic function computation. Second, I present a novel BM-MDP (Bounded-parameter Multi-objective Markov Decision Problem) model and robust algorithms for multi-objective optimization under uncertainty both at the planning and execution time. The BM-MDP model and its robust algorithms are useful in (re)scheduling events to achieve energy efficiency in the presence of uncertainty over user's preferences. Third, I provide online predictive scheduling algorithms to handle massive numbers of meeting/event scheduling requests considering flexibility, which is a novel concept for capturing generic user constraints while optimizing the desired objective.

    These new models have not only advanced the state of the art in multiagent algorithms, but have actually been successfully integrated within two agents dedicated to energy efficiency: SAVES and TESLA. SAVES focuses on the day-to-day energy consumption of individuals and groups in commercial buildings by reactively suggesting energy conserving alternatives. TESLA takes a long-range planning perspective and optimizes overall energy consumption of a large number of group events or meetings together. While SAVES and TESLA thus differ in their scope and applicability, both demonstrate the utility of agent-based systems in actually reducing energy consumption in commercial buildings.

    I evaluate my algorithms and agents using extensive analysis on data from over 110,000 real meetings/events at multiple educational buildings including the main libraries at the University of Southern California. I also provide results on simulations and real-world experiments, clearly demonstrating the power of agent technology to assist human users in saving energy in commercial buildings.

    Location: Ronald Tutor Hall of Engineering (RTH) - 526

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: Lizsl De Leon

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  • Phd Defense - Jongwoo Lim

    Thu, Sep 05, 2013 @ 12:00 PM - 01:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    University Calendar

    An Efficient Approach to Clustering Datasets with Mixed Type Attributes in Data Mining

    PhD Candidate: Jongwoo Lim

    Date and Time: 09/05/2013(Thr), 12:00pm ~ 1:30pm
    Location: SAL 322

    Prof. Dennis McLeod (Chairperson )
    Prof. Aiichiro Nakano
    Prof. Larry Pryor (Outside Member)

    We propose an efficient approach to clustering datasets with mixed type attributes (both numerical and categorical), while minimizing information loss during clustering. Real world datasets such as medical datasets, bio datasets, transactional datasets and its ontology have mixed attribute type datasets.
    However, most conventional clustering algorithms have been designed and applied to datasets containing single attribute type (either numerical or categorical). Recently, approaches to clustering for mixed attribute type datasets have emerged, but they are mainly based on transforming attributes to straightforwardly utilize conventional algorithms. The problem of such approaches is the possibility of distorted results due to the loss of information because significant portion of attribute values can be removed in the transforming process without knowledge background of datasets. This may result in a lower accuracy clustering.
    To address this problem, we propose a clustering framework for mixed attribute type datasets without transforming attributes. We first utilize an entropy based measure of categorical attributes as our criterion function for similarity. Second, based on the results of entropy based similarity, we extract candidate cluster numbers and verify our weighting condition that is based on the degree of well balanced clusters with pre-clustering results and the ground truth ratio from the give dataset. Finally, we cluster the mixed attribute type datasets with the extracted candidate cluster numbers and the weights.
    We have conducted experiments with a heart disease dataset and a German credit dataset, for which an entropy function as a similarity measure and the proposed method of extracting number of clusters has been utilized. We also experimentally explore the relative degree of balance of categorical vs. numerical attributes sub datasets in given datasets. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework improved accuracy effectively for the given mixed type attribute datasets.

    Location: Henry Salvatori Computer Science Center (SAL) - 322

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: Lizsl De Leon

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  • Phd Defense - Arvind Antonio de Menezes Pereira

    Fri, Sep 06, 2013 @ 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    University Calendar

    Title: Risk-aware path planning for autonomous underwater vehicles

    PhD Candidate: Arvind Antonio de Menezes Pereira

    Committee members:
    Gaurav S. Sukhatme (Chair, Computer Science)
    Stefan Schaal (Member, Computer Science)
    David A. Caron (Outside member, Biological Sciences)

    Date: Sept 6, 2013
    Time: 2 pm
    Location: RTH 406

    Path planning is the process of generating an optimal sequence of waypoints from a start configuration to a desired goal configuration under constraints (e.g., avoiding obstacles, respecting time/energy budgets). In this thesis, we study the problem of risk-aware planning. Specifically, we design, develop, and experimentally validate optimal paths for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) in the open ocean in the presence of navigational hazards such as ships and other obstacles. A novel aspect of this work is the introduction of ocean current predictions to optimize planning in such settings. This is challenging because current predictions are typically available at non-uniform spatial resolution, noisy, and time-delayed. We designed three risk-aware planners that reason probabilistically about the uncertainty in ocean currents predictions. The minimum expected risk planner ensures that the AUV always reaches the goal, while minimizing risk along the way, Risk-aware Markov Decision Process-based planning uses stationary models over a short horizon, and trades off between goal-directed behavior and reducing risk. This is susceptible to finding sub-optimal policies due to stationarity. The non-stationary, risk-aware MDP makes use of variability in the currents where possible to overcome high-risk sections of paths on the way to the goal. In addition to these planners, we develop a taxonomy for risk-aware planning in dynamic settings. Finally, the planners described in this dissertation have been field tested at unprecedented levels to validate their practical utility (~2000 hours of testing at sea).

    Location: Ronald Tutor Hall of Engineering (RTH) - 406

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: Lizsl De Leon

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  • PhD Social

    Fri, Sep 13, 2013 @ 12:00 AM - 01:00 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    University Calendar

    We welcome you to join us for our first PhD social lunch this semester, this Friday 09/13 from 12-1:00 in SSL 150. Please RSVP by 5pm this Wednesday 09/11.


    This will be great chance to meet and welcome our new PhD students! Also we - the PhD Committee - will introduces ourselves, talk about what we have achieved last year and what our plans are for the coming academic year. So please join us this Friday!

    The PhD Student Committee

    Location: Seaver Science Library (SSL) - 150

    Audiences: CS Phd students, Faculty and Staff

    Contact: Lizsl De Leon

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