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USC VIterbi News
April 2016
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Take a deep dive into water research at USC Viterbi
III-V Solar For The Masses
Rehan Kapadia has the silver bullet that could make solar energy more efficient and very affordable
Spotlight: Robotics and Coding Academy
The Robotics and Coding Academy is a year-long after-school program at three elementary schools in South Los Angeles
The Family That is The Lab
Inside the multifractal world of the Cyber Physical Systems Group
And Then There Were Two
The MEPC business model contest is down to the final two startups, with $50,000 at stake
Inaugural USC day of SCupport
On May 4, 2016, the USC community will unite to demonstrate the loyalty and SCupport of the Trojan Family. The goal: Rally as many people as possible to create the single largest day of giving participants in USC's history.
Cancer's new worst enemy
Nicholas Graham discusses engineering approaches to cancer cell signaling and metabolism to design next generation cancer therapies
Doctoral candidate sheds new light on "most mysterious computer in the world"
How one PhD student is developing technology to understand brain mechanisms underlying neurological disorders and guide their treatment
Building on Mars and the Moon
USC Viterbi School of Engineering Professor Invents 3D-Printing Process that Uses Lunar and Martian Dust for Outer-Space Construction
Beautiful Problems, Fast Solutions
Shang-Hua Teng, a two-time Gödel Prize winner, improves algorithm efficiency
Zooming Into the Human Brain
Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering researchers develop new techniques for processing brain images.
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