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USC VIterbi News
February 2019
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Linnie Haynesworth, USC Viterbi's 2019 Mark A. Stevens Distinguished Alumni Award recipient, pens a letter to her younger Trojan self.
Saving Endangered Species, One Algorithm at a Time
Bistra Dilkina, USC Viterbi assistant professor in computer science, develops artificial intelligence tools to help protect endangered animals.
Sparking Innovation
USC Viterbi alumnus Ken Richardson has written a new book about how America can once again become the world's leader in tech.
What Happens When 100 Million People Run Out of Water?
Essam Heggy Calls for More Water Education in the Scientific Community.
Turning Glycerol To Gold
A new business in the USC Viterbi Startup Garage has developed a molecule to turn this plentiful biofuel byproduct into coveted sodium lactate.
National Cancer Institute Award to Support Research on Colorectal Cancer at USC
USC Viterbi's Stacey Finley and Keck USC's Shannon Mumenthaler lead new $3.1 million grant to advance search for new cancer treatments using computer simulations.
Student Wins HackLA Mobility with App to Solve LA Traffic Woes
Jake Beaudin and his team created the app in 24 hours. They recently launched it to the tech industry at CES Las Vegas and will soon present it in Germany.
Stop The Spoofing
USC ISI researcher Wael Abd-Almageed and an international research team are building enhanced biometric security technologies to thwart would-be malefactors.
Helping The Homeless
USC Viterbi writing students offer engineering solutions to a local provider of homeless services to improve operations.
USC Researchers Use AI to Detect Early Signs of Alzheimer's
USC researchers found "hidden factors" in medical data that could improve Alzheimer's disease prediction and lead to better outcomes.
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