Events for March 07, 2014
The Maturing of Scan Compression Technology
Fri, Mar 07, 2014 @ 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Dr. Rohit Kapur, Synopsys
Talk Title: The Maturing of Scan Compression Technology
Abstract: The topic is IC testing. In the year 2000 scan technology went through a complete overhaul and complex IP was inserted in the scan chains to control the cost of test. The new architectures now go under the name scan compression where a few inputs and outputs are used to feed test data to the ICs that have many internal scan chains. The presenter will give a historical perspective of scan compression technology before describing one of the latest architectures being developed at Synopsys today.
Biography: Rohit Kapur is an IEEE Fellow and a Scientist at Synopsys. At Synopsys he has been the inventor of many technologies including the ones delivered by Synopsys for Scan Compression. Rohit is known for his work in CTL an IEEE standard, and he currently chairs all the standard activities in test within IEEE.
Host: Prof. Sandeep Gupta
Location: Hughes Aircraft Electrical Engineering Center (EEB) - 110
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Annie Yu
Integrated Systems Seminar Series - Spring 2014
Fri, Mar 07, 2014 @ 03:30 PM - 05:00 PM
Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Jacques Rudell, University of Washington
Talk Title: CMOS RF & mm-Wave ICs enter the Era of “Big Data”
Abstract: The last 15 years has witnessed revolutionary changes in mobile computing and wireless communication. This was fueled in large part through Moore’s Law, coupled with research and development of new highly-integrated, silicon CMOS devices which transformed large bulky transceiver components into a single chip for wireless applications. These single-chip radios freed up valuable space for more memory and powerful processors, making the modern smartphone, as we know it today, so common and ubiquitous. Although the architectures, circuits, and system-level design methodologies to realize these low-cost, highly-integrated ICs have largely been defined, questions remain on how to enable chips for emerging applications in an era of large scale data acquisition, and communication, for a variety of devices ranging in use from wireless sensing, to high-speed mobile and point-to-point data communication. Recent work at the University of Washington’s FAST lab has explored some of these challenges and developed all-CMOS chip sets to demonstrate concepts which address some of the future IC challenges associated with ultra-broadband communication.
This presentation will describe a 50-70 GHz broadband receiver intended for use in a high-element phased-array system which utilizes a low-power heterodyne architecture to reduce LO power consumption, while passing the entire 20 GHz bandwidth through the IF, to baseband. The IF stage has one of the highest fractional bandwidths reported to date. Other broadband techniques are described with a compact 24-54 GHz bandpass distributed amplifier which exploits recursive Norton Transforms to reduce silicon area while improving selectivity and maintaining a high fractional bandwidth. In addition, a new PA/transmitter approach is described for long-range sensor standardized data communication. This talk will also briefly highlight some of the other work from our lab with respect to medical devices, including PET imaging systems and stimulation electronics for neural interface applications. Lastly, thoughts are presented on reducing transmit-to-receive self-interference by utilizing a low spurious emission PA, and TX-to-RX cancellation network to enable broadband RF transmission, possibly removing the need for any front-end RF or duplex filters.
Biography: Jacques “Chris”tophe Rudell received degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Michigan (BS), and UC Berkeley (MS, PhD). After completing his degrees, he worked for several years as an RF IC designer at Berkana Wireless (now Qualcomm), and Intel Corporation. In January 2009, he joined the faculty at the University of Washington, Seattle as an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering. While a PhD student at UC Berkeley, Dr. Rudell received the Demetri Angelakos Memorial Achievement Award, a citation given to one student per year by the EECS department. He has twice been co-recipient of the best paper awards at the International Solid-State Circuits Conference, the first of which was the 1998 Jack Kilby Award, followed by the 2001 Lewis Winner Award. He received the 2008 ISSCC best evening session award, and the 2011 RFIC Symposium best student paper award. Dr. Rudell served on the ISSCC technical program committee (2003-2010) and on the MTT-IMS Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium steering committee (2002-2013) where he was the 2013 General Chair. He is also an Associate Editor for the Journal of Solid-State Circuits (2009-present).
Host: Hossien Hashemi, Mike Chen, Mahta Moghaddam, Sushil Subramanian
More Info:
Location: Hughes Aircraft Electrical Engineering Center (EEB) - 248
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Sushil Subramanian
Event Link: