Events for March 29, 2013
Integrated Systems Seminars Series
Fri, Mar 29, 2013 @ 02:30 PM - 03:30 PM
Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Prof. Dimitrios Peroulis, Purdue University
Talk Title: High-Q Widely Tunable Miniaturized RF Front-Ends
Abstract: This seminar will begin by reviewing the state of the art in commercially-available RF MEMS and tunable front-ends. New directions for creating widely-tunable high-performance circuits in mobile form factors will be presented. We will discuss novel solutions at the fabrication technology, device, and sub-system levels. As an example, we will present unique three dimensional architectures for obtaining base-station quality tunable microwave filters in mobile form factors. These filters are based on low-cost silicon technology and simultaneously exhibit a very wide tuning range (>3:1) and a very high quality factor (Q>300-1,000) at 1-20 GHz and beyond. We will also present novel filter synthesis methodologies for developing field-programmable filter-arrays. Furthermore, we will also present power amplifier/filter co-design solutions. Specifically we will demonstrate that significant benefits can be obtained when co-designing power amplifiers with high-Q tunable bandpass filters for all-digital burst-mode transmitters and with high-Q tunable bandstop filters for obtaining high efficiencies in over 3:1 bandwidths.
Biography: Dr. Dimitrios Peroulis received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor in 2003. He has been with Purdue University since August 2003 where he is currently leading a group of graduate students on a variety of research projects in the areas of RF MEMS, sensing and power harvesting applications as well as RFID sensors for the health monitoring of sensitive equipment. He has been a PI or a co-PI in numerous projects funded by government agencies and industry in these areas. He has been a key contributor in two DARPA projects at Purdue focusing on 1) very high quality (Q>1,000) RF tunable filters in mobile form factors (DARPA Analog Spectral Processing Program, Phases I, II and III) and on 2) developing comprehensive characterization methods and models for understanding the viscoelasticity/creep phenomena in high-power RF MEMS devices (DARPA M/NEMS S&T Fundamentals Program, Phases I and II). Furthermore, he is leading the experimental program on the Center for the Prediction of Reliability, Integrity and Survivability of Microsystems (PRISM) funded by the National Nuclear Security Administration. In addition, he led the development of the MEMS technology in a U.S. Navy project (Marines) funded under the Technology Insertion Program for Savings (TIPS) program focused on harsh-environment wireless micro-sensors for the health monitoring of aircraft engines. He has over 170 refereed journal and conference publications in the areas of microwave integrated circuits, sensors and antennas. He received the National Science Foundation CAREER award in 2008. His students have received numerous student paper awards and other student research-based scholarships. He is a Purdue University Faculty Scholar and has also received eight teaching awards including the 2010 HKN C. Holmes MacDonald Outstanding Teaching Award and the 2010 Charles B. Murphy award, which is Purdue University's highest undergraduate teaching honor.
Host: Prof. Hossein Hashemi and Prof. Mike Chen
Location: Hughes Aircraft Electrical Engineering Center (EEB) - 248
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Hossein Hashemi