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Events for April 02, 2014
Emerging Nonvolatile Memory Technologies: Design Space Exploration and Applications in Conventional and Neuromorphic Computing
Wed, Apr 02, 2014 @ 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Yiran Chen, University of Pittsburgh
Talk Title: Emerging Nonvolatile Memory Technologies: Design Space Exploration and Applications in Conventional and Neuromorphic Computing
Abstract: The severe scaling challenges of mainstream memories motivated recent active research on emerging nonvolatile memory (eNVM) technologies. Some promising candidates, i.e., phase change memory, spintronic memory, and resistive memory (memristor), have been well studied, demonstrating attractive properties in integration density, power efficiency, reliability, and scalability. In this talk, I will first examine the expectations of modern computing systems on memory hierarchy and then introduce three examples in eNVM design and applications in GPGPU and neuromorphic computing systems. Finally, we will give our prospects on the future hotspots in eNVM research.
Biography: Dr. Yiran Chen received B.S and M.S. (both with honor) from Tsinghua University and Ph.D. from Purdue University in 2005. After five years in industry, he joined University of Pittsburgh in 2010 as Assistant Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. His research interests include low-power design, emerging circuit and computing technologies, and embedded systems. Dr. Chen has published 1 book, a few book chapters, and 160+ journal and conference publications. He has been granted 83 US and international patents with other 17 pending applications. He is the associate editor of IEEE TCAD, ACM JETC, ACM SIGDA E-news and served on the technical and organization committees of about 30 conferences. He received 3 best paper awards from ISQED’08, ISLPED’10 and GLSVLS’13 and other 7 nominations in DAC, DATE, ASPDAC etc. Dr. Chen received NSF CAREER award in 2013 and was the invited participant of 2013 U.S. Frontiers of Engineering Symposium of NAE.
Host: Massoud Pedram
Location: Hughes Aircraft Electrical Engineering Center (EEB) - 248
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Annie Yu