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Events for April 09, 2014
Examples of Visual Computing Research at Disney Research Zurich
Wed, Apr 09, 2014 @ 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM
Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Dr. Aljoà ¡a SmoliÃâ¡ , Disney Research, Zurich
Talk Title: Examples of Visual Computing Research at Disney Research Zurich
Abstract: Abstract: Disney Research Zurich is a research lab of The Walt Disney Company closely associated with the Computer Graphics Lab of ETH Zurich. It performs applied research on highest scientific level. Visual computing is one of the key research areas in this context, which will be highlighted in this talk by example projects from the past 5 years. Stereoscopic 3D and beyond was traditionally a strong focus from capture to display, including projects on computational stereo camera systems, disparity mapping, 2D-to-3D conversion, image domain warping, warp coding, and stereo-to-multiview conversion. Then approaches for video volume processing for optical flow, disparity estimation, video colorization, or in general, spatio-temporal data diffusion in video will be presented. And extension of these concepts will be spatio-temporal video compositing on video volumes. Finally, an approach for automated image aesthetics will close the talk.
Biography: Dr. Aljoà ¡a SmoliÃâ¡ joined Disney Research Zurich, Switzerland in 2009, as Senior Research Scientist and Head of the ââ¬ÅAdvanced Video Technologyââ¬Â group. Before he was Scientific Project Manager at the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (HHI), Berlin, also heading a research group. He has been involved in several national and international research projects, where he conducted research in various fields of video processing and visual computing, and published more than 100 referred papers in these fields. He received the Dipl.-Ing. Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Berlin, Germany in 1996, and the Dr.-Ing. Degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from Aachen University of Technology (RWTH), Germany, in 2001. Dr. Smolic received the ââ¬ÅRudolf-Urtlel-Awardââ¬Â of the German Society for Technology in TV and Cinema (FKTG) for his dissertation in 2002. He is Area Editor for Signal Processing: Image Communication and served as Guest Editor for the Proceedings of the IEEE, IEEE Transactions on CSVT, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, and other scientific journals. He chaired the MPEG ad hoc group on 3DAV pioneering standards for 3D video. In this context he also served as one of the Editors of the Multi-view Video Coding (MVC) standard. Since many years he is teaching full lecture courses on Multimedia Communications and other topics, now at ETH Zurich
Host: Prof. Antonio Ortega
Location: Hughes Aircraft Electrical Engineering Center (EEB) - EEB 248
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Talyia Veal