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Events for April 25, 2014
Energy Informatics Seminar
Fri, Apr 25, 2014 @ 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Krishna Palem, Rice University
Talk Title: Sensoptimized Systems for “Good enough” Computing: Ultra-efficient Cortical Processors through Melding Neuroscience with Inexact Architectures
Series: Energy Informatics Distinguished Seminar Series
Abstract: Increasingly, information systems such as cellphones, iPods and glassesâmore broadly, embedded systemsâare delivering information to be consumed by our senses. Such information, in the form of speech, graphics, or video, is subject to varying levels of processing by our nervous systems, followed by our higher cognitive functions in the brain. Yet, system designs today do not often take advantage of the compensatory processing done neuro-cognitively by our brain. Rather, the current hardware, software, and industrial design methodologies aim to deliver the best possible quality to maximize the user’s experience. The resulting computing platforms are over-engineered and expensiveâin terms of monetary cost, and the amount of energy (or battery) consumed. For several years now, we have been developing a philosophy and a design methodology to counter this trend aimed at the innovation of digital computing systems which, when interacting with our senses, are optimized to be just “good enough” and thus not over-engineered This is achieved by factoring in the compensatory neuro-cognitive processing done by our sensory pathways, and by trading away the accuracy of the system in return for disproportionately high savings or gains. The resulting sensoptimied systems are meant to be significantly more efficient than those designed conventionally. At their core, our sensoptimized systems are realized using inexact integrated circuits (ICs) and computing architectures, sometimes dubbed probabilistic CMOS (PCMOS)âa technology and design methodology which our group has been developing for over a decade. Looking into the future, inexact circuits and sensoptimization could be the basis for realizing families of cortical processors which meld principles of neuroscience with the design of good-enough computing platforms. Here, the opportunities are many and we will conclude the technical portion of our talk with an overview of a sensoptimized cortical processor we are currently developing for supporting computer-vision at the embedded scale.
Biography: Krishna V. Palem is the Ken and Audrey Kennedy Professor at Rice University with appointments in CS, in ECE, and Statistics, and is a scholar in the Baker Institute for Public Policy. He founded and directed the NTU-Rice Institute on Sustainable and Applied Infodynamics. He was a Moore Distinguished Faculty Fellow at Caltech, and a Schonbrunn Fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he was recognized for excellence in teaching. His advisee Suren Talla was awarded the Janet Fabri Prize for outstanding dissertation, and his related work on the foundations of architecture assembly for designing reconfigurable embedded SoC architectures, developed at Proceler Inc. which he co-founded as a CTO, was a nominee for the Analysts choice awards as one of the four outstanding technologies. A decade ago, he pioneered a novel technology dubbed Probabilistic CMOS (PCMOS) which resulted in inexact or approximate computing. PCMOS has been recognized by three best-paper awards, as one of the ten technologies 'likely to change the way we live' by MIT's Technology Review, and as one of the seven 'emerging world changing technologies' by IEEE as part of its 125th anniversary celebrations. He is a Fellow of the AAAS, the ACM and the IEEE. In 2012, Forbes (India) ranked him second on the list of eighteen scientists who are “..some of the finest minds of Indian origin.” He is the recipient of the 2008 W. Wallace McDowell Award, IEEE Computer Society's highest technical award and one of computing's most prestigious individual honors.
Host: Viktor Prasanna
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Location: Seeley G. Mudd Building (SGM) - 101
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Annie Yu
Event Link:
Integrated Systems Seminar Series - Spring 2014
Fri, Apr 25, 2014 @ 03:30 PM - 05:00 PM
Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Waleed Khalil, Ohio State University
Talk Title: Towards the Design of Robust Wide Tuning Range and Low Phase Noise mm-Wave VCOs: Challenges, Solutions and Recent Advances
Series: Integrated Systems Seminar Series
Abstract: Over the past few years, there has a been a growing demand for mm-wave circuits with emerging applications such as Gigabit WLAN and Short Range Radars. More recently, mm-wave technology has been touted for future 5G cellular systems, eclipsing a long era where low GHz systems dominated the field of wireless systems. Moving forward, we expect the mass market adaptation of these technologies to force the shift towards low-cost Si-based processes. However, in to order to succeed in this space, we need to push the Si performance closer to the well-entrenched incumbent III-V technologies. In the VCO domain, major challenges still remain in meeting the tuning range and phase noise specifications while maintaining high yield. In light of these challenges, this seminar will present our current and future research work to build mm-wave VCOs circuits with record benchmarks. Different topologies in both CMOS and SiGe technologies will be covered. Also, a new analytical model that facilitates an efficient optimization of the VCO turning range and phase noise is presented. The model is exploited to analyze the impact of technology scaling on the achievable performance bounds.
Biography: Dr. Khalil received his B.S.E.E. and M.S.E.E degrees from the University of Minnesota in 1992 and 1993, respectively. In 2008, he received his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from Arizona State University. He is currently serving as an Assistant Professor at the ECE department and the ElectroScience Lab, The Ohio State University. He conducts research in SDRs, digital intensive RF and mm-wave circuits and systems, high performance clocking circuits and GHz A/D and D/A circuits. Prior to joining OSU, Prof. Khalil spent 16 years at Intel Corporation where he held various technical and leadership positions in wireless and wireline communication groups. While at Intel, he was appointed the lead engineer at the advanced wireless communications group, where he played an instrumental role in the development of the industry’s first Analog Front-end IC for third generation radios (3G). He later co-founded a startup group to develop Intel’s first RF front-end IC, as a principle leader of the radio transmitter chain. During his work at Intel, he received the prestigious Intel Quality Award in 2005. Dr. Khalil’s research group has received several paper awards, among them TSMC’s outstanding research award in 2010 and the best paper award in the Wireless Innovation Forum and Phase Array Symposium in 2013. He authored 10 issued and several other pending patents, over 50 journal and conference papers and three books/book chapters. He is a senior member of IEEE and serves in the steering committee for the RFIC Symposium and as a guest faculty at the Air Force Research Laboratory.
Host: Hossien Hashemi, Mike Chen, Mahta Moghaddam, Sushil Subramanian
More Info:
Location: Hughes Aircraft Electrical Engineering Center (EEB) - 248
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Sushil Subramanian
Event Link: