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Events for May 01, 2017
Center for Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things and Ming Hsieh Institute for Electrical Engineering Joint Seminar Series on Cyber-Physical Systems
Mon, May 01, 2017 @ 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Xiaoqing Jin , Senior Engineer, Toyota Motors North America R&D
Talk Title: Logic Driven Data Science
Abstract: Data science together with machine learning is prevalent in almost every sector of industry. Many popular techniques, such as deep learning with artificial neural networks, have shown their capabilities in achieving incredible performance and accuracy in helping make Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) smarter. However, data scientists or engineers usually find it challenging to interpret the artifacts learned using such procedures. Also, due to the proliferation of sensors, control engineers have to combat the data deluge problem. They need to process, analyze, and identify structure or logical relations from intractably large amounts of time series data within limited amount of time. Typical machine learning techniques rely on similarity measures defined on complex feature spaces of signals and may overlook the embedded logical structure. In this talk, we explore data analysis from the logical perspective and introduce supervised and unsupervised learning procedures that utilize Parametric Signal Temporal Logic (PSTL) templates to discover temporal and spatial relations in signal space. The resulting methods not only perform data analysis but also generate formal artifacts to give engineers abstract understanding of the results. We will demonstrate our techniques in many domains, such as automotive testing, medical devices, and online education systems.
Biography: Xiaoqing Jin is a Senior Engineer at Toyota Motors North America R&D. She received her Ph.D. from the University of California at Riverside on topics including symbolic model checking, stochastic model checking, and formal verification and validation for hybrid systems. She began her career in doing advanced research at Toyota where she was responsible for researching and developing techniques and tools to help design and analysis of industrial cyber-physical systems, such as control systems for internal combustion engine vehicles and fuel cell electric vehicles. Her research interests are in the broad area of hybrid systems, temporal logics, machine learning, data analysis, control theory, dynamical systems, and automotive control systems.
Host: Paul Bogdan
Location: Hughes Aircraft Electrical Engineering Center (EEB) - 248
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Estela Lopez