Events for May 20, 2014
Engineering Aspects of Gis Education
Tue, May 20, 2014 @ 10:30 AM - 11:30 PM
Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: John N. Hatzopoulos, University of the Aegean, Greece
Talk Title: Engineering Aspects of Gis Education
Abstract: Engineering of education refers to scientific and technological aspects of education to support philosophical bases necessary to be used on didactics, curriculum structure in an effort to develop an educated character. Gis being a field with advanced scientific and technological bases, is used to support many and diverse applications of interdisciplinary nature. Education in such diverse applications must be at first place centered on promoting human values and on such bases proceed with the effort to develop a scientist, a professional and an educated character. Therefore, engineering procedures are adopted in terms of using mathematics as a tool to analyze structures and of using specifications for education planning. This is necessary to develop and use scientifically founded human value models and based on these models to proceed on didactics using scientific and technological tools in a way to create motives for the students, thus contributing to a balanced curriculum environment. This engineering structure and methodology of Gis education will be demonstrated as applied at the University of the Aegean, Greece, Department of the Environment.
Biography: Received his MSCE (1976) and Ph.D. (1989) degrees from the University of Washington (research assistantship fellow), Department of Civil Engineering and his diploma in Rural and Surveying Engineering from the Technical University of Athens (1971), awarded the Crysovergion prize award as ranking the first among the graduates. Was employed as associate professor at the California State University, Fresno, Civil Engineering Department, Surveying and Photogrammetry Program (1980), and after four years was promoted to the rank of professor with tenure. During his career at Fresno State the Surveying Engineering program was raised to be one of the best in US and his effort was awarded by the outstanding professor's award. After nine years of service resigned from Fresno State and joined the faculty at the University of the Aegean, Department of the Environment (1989), where he is serving up today. Established the Laboratory of Remote Sensing and GIS (1995) being its director up today. His research interests involve Remote Sensing, GIS and geospatial applications mainly on environmental projects. Has been principal investigator and participant on over forty different research programs in US and Greece. Has been consultant on several Remote Sensing and GIS projects in US, Japan and Greece. Has published over 110 papers on scientific journals and conference proceedings. Has published five books three on "Topographic Mapping" and two on "Education and Philosophy". Has published Chapters in seven different collectively published volumes.
Host: Petros Ioannou
Location: Hughes Aircraft Electrical Engineering Center (EEB) - 132
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Shane Goodoff