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Events for May 23, 2011
TSUBAME2.0 - Hybrid Petascale Computing in Practice
Mon, May 23, 2011 @ 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Prof. Satoshi Matsuoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Talk Title: TSUBAME2.0 - Hybrid Petascale Computing in Practice
Series: CEI Distinguished Lecture Series in Energy Informatics
Abstract: TSUBAME2.0 is the latest incarnation of the series of clusters that have been built at Tokyo Institute of Technology, and has become the first supercomputer in Japan to reach the Petaflops plateau. TSUBAME 2.0 embodies many unique features derived from years of research into HPC, especially keeping in mind retaining or improving bandwidth scalability, fault tolerance, green, using the latest hardware components such as GPUs and SSDs, as well as employing some of the latest software research results from labs at Tokyo Tech. Prof. Matsuoka will also touch upon its possible use to simulations of natural disasters that have hit Japan recently, demonstrating that despite its relatively small size as well as adoption of hybrid architectures it scales well to the use of thousands of GPUs as well as demonstrates performance topping the largest machines such as the ORNL Jaguar.
Biography: Satoshi Matsuoka is a full Professor at the Global Scientific Information and Computing Center of Tokyo Institute of Technology. He is the leader of TSUBAME series of supercomputers, which became the 4th fastest in the world on the Top500 list and was awarded the "Greenest Production Supercomputer in the World" prize on the Green 500 in Nov, 2010.
Prof. Matsuoka has also co-lead the Japanese national grid project NAREGI between 2003-2007, and is currently leading various projects such as the JST-CREST Ultra Low Power HPC. He has authored over 500 papers according to Google Scholar, and has chaired many ACM/IEEE international conferences, including the Technical Papers Chair for SCâ09, Community Chair for SC11, and Program Chair planned for SCâ13. He has won many awards including the JSPS Prize from the Japan Society for Promotion of Science in 2006, awarded by his Highness Prince Akishinomiya.
Host: Prof. Viktor K. Prasanna
More Info: Grace Ford Salvatori Hall Of Letters, Arts & Sciences (GFS) - 106
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Yogesh Simmhan
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