Events for June 11, 2012
EE-Electrophysics Seminar
Mon, Jun 11, 2012 @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: H. J. Ryoo, Ph.D, Pulsed Power World Class Lab, Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute, University of Science & Technology
Talk Title: KERIâs Solid State Modulator Technology
Abstract: In this seminar, the solid state pulsed power modulators
developed in KERI, based on Power Electronics technologies are
overviewed. During last ten years, several kinds of solid state
modulators were developed in KERI such as IGBT stacks with step
up transformer, full IGBT stack based marx generator, modified
IGBT marx generator and high repetitive solid state modulator.
Basic principle of the design is described and each pros and cons are compared. KERI's solid state pulsed power modulators have a lot of advantages for industrial pulsed power application focused on everlasting life cycle and high repetitive, and shows superior arching protection ability.
Host: Dr. Andras Kuthi
Location: Frank R. Seaver Science Center (SSC) - 604
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Marilyn Poplawski