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Events for August 05, 2008
Coloring-based Interference-Avoidance Scheduling for Multi-hop Wireless Networks
Tue, Aug 05, 2008 @ 11:00 PM - 12:00 PM
Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Workshops & Infosessions
Lin Zhang, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Deputy Director, Electronic Engineering Department
Tsinghua University, Beijing, ChinaAbstract
This talk addresses the issue of transmission scheduling in multi-hop multi-frequency wireless networks and aims to solve the conflict problems caused by different nodes accessing the same channel. The conflict graph was utilized to describe the interference relationship between wireless links, and then model the transmission scheduling issue as a conflict graph coloring problem. This helps to analyze the
restrictions and challenges of designing the transmission scheduling.
We then propose several distributed transmission scheduling algorithms
based on Time Division Multiple Access(TDMA) to improve the network throughput. The algorithms presented in this talk can be applied to practical wireless multi-hop networks protocols, and the analysis may provide an insight for designers on
the transmission scheduling protocols.
Lin Zhang received his B.Sc from the Electrical Engineering Department, in 1998, and his M.Sc. and Ph.D. from Electronic Engineering Department in 2001 and 2006, respectively, all from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
He is now the deputy director and an associate professor at Tsinghua University.
In 2004, he was a visiting assistant professor at the University of Hong Kong. Since 2001, he has been teaching the Selected Topics in Communication Networks(40230992) and Information Theory(70230063) for senior undergraduate students and graduate students, respectively. In 2004, he won the excellent teacher award from Tsinghua University. His research interests include wireless networks, distributed data fusion, and the information theory.
In recent years, he has been leading two NSFC projects, three National High-tech Developing projects, and more than 10 research projects from industry as the Principle Investor. He was the IEEE ICC 2008 publication chair and served many major international conferences and journals as reviewers or TPC members. He also holds on U.S. patent and four Chinese patents, and publicizes more than 20 technical papers
in major conferences and journals.
Location: Frank R. Seaver Science Center (SSC) - 319
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: B.Krishnamachari