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Events for November 02, 2012
The Fourth Annual Southern California Symposium on Network Economics and Game Theory
Fri, Nov 02, 2012
Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Receptions & Special Events
You are invited to the 2012 Southern California Symposium on Network and Game Theory (NEGT 2012). This includes
two keynote talks and 14 invited talks by distinguished speakers. There will also be a poster session where
many additional papers will be presented. The venue is Davidson Center on the University of Southern California
The event is open to all interested broadly in network economics, game theory, their foundational and algorithmic
aspects. Participation is free but registration is required. The link is here:
The latest program is available here:
If you would like to present a poster, please contact Prof. Adam Wierman at by October 26.
Organizing Committee:
Rahul Jain (USC)
John Ledyard (Caltech)
Katrina Ligett (Caltech)
Ichiro Obara (UCLA)
Mihaela van der Schaar (UCLA)
Milind Tambe (USC)
Adam Wierman (Caltech)
Simon Wilkie (USC)
William Zame (UCLA)
Sponsored by:
Caltech (CMS department and the HSS division)
UCLA (Department of Electrical Engineering)
USC (Economics department and the Viterbi School)
Location: Charlotte S. & Davre R. Davidson Continuing Education Conference Center (DCC) - Embassy Room
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Annie Yu
CENG Seminar
Fri, Nov 02, 2012 @ 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Dr. Diana Marculescu , Carnegie Mellon University
Talk Title: âAchieving Sustainable Computing Through Energy- and Reliability-Aware System Designâ
Abstract: Electronic system design has benefited from decades of reliable and predictable functionality, but this trend may likely slow down in future technology nodes. Higher power densities and increased thermal requirements have become first class design constraints, while manufacturing process-driven variability increases, therefore affecting overall performance and power costs. Furthermore, emerging devices are affected by decreased reliability which, in turn, may be exacerbated by higher operating temperatures. To support a path toward sustainable computing, a holistic approach toward addressing energy awareness, reliability, and variability at all the levels in the system is required.
This talk will discuss our work on modeling the effects of process variation at system level and compare and contrast various design styles with respect to their tolerance to process variations and support for increased performance under iso-power conditions. Our results detail how these effects can affect performance, power and thermal profile of systems implemented using classic 2D or advanced 3D integration, how process variations affect the robustness of power management algorithms, and how resource management can be employed to deliver performance increase in multi-core systems. Finally, we unravel the joint effects of decreased reliability and increased variability on system robustness and find unexpected applications of the proposed methodology to non-silicon systems.
Biography: Diana Marculescu is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. She received her Dipl. Ing. degree in Computer Science from "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Romania in 1991 and her Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from University of Southern California in 1998. She is the recipient of a National Science Foundation Faculty Career Award (2000-2004), an ACM-SIGDA Technical Leadership Award (2003), the Carnegie Institute of Technology George Tallman Ladd Research Award (2004), an ACM-SIGDA Distinguished Service Award (2010), and Best Paper Awards from IEEE Asia South-Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASPDAC 2005), IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD 2008), International Symposium on Quality of Electronic Design (ISQED 2009), and IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems (2011). Diana Marculescu was an IEEE-Circuits and Systems Society Distinguished Lecturer (2004-2005), the Chair of the ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation (2005-2009) and is an ACM Distinguished Scientist and a Senior Member of IEEE. Her research interests include energy-, reliability-, and variability-aware computing and CAD for non-silicon applications.
Host: CENG
Location: Hughes Aircraft Electrical Engineering Center (EEB) - 248
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Estela Lopez
Integrated Systems Seminar Series
Fri, Nov 02, 2012 @ 03:00 PM - 04:30 PM
Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Prof. Edgar Sánchez-Sinencio, Texas A&M University
Talk Title: Multi-Order Harmonic Generation for Linear Oscillators and Wideband Frequency Synthesis
Abstract: It is presented the evolution of highly linear oscillators based first on Band-pass filter and multi-level comparators. Then by employing harmonic suppression or selective harmonic enhancement to yield besides linear oscillators, also wide frequency range and/or high frequency oscillators with frequency higher than its fundamental.
Secondly it is presented architectural solutions for the realization of wideband frequency synthesizers. First, we present a new architecture which uses two-step multi-order harmonic generation of a low frequency phase-locked signal to generate wideband mm-wave frequencies. Measurements of a prototype fabricated in 90nm CMOS technology show that using a phase-locked input signal of 1-1.43GHz, the system can provide an output which covers the frequency range of 5 â 32 GHz. This represents a tuning bandwidth of 27 GHz with a tuning range of 146%. The measured phase noise at 1 MHz offset is -116 dBc/Hz and -99 dBc/Hz at 5 GHz and 32 GHz, respectively.
Biography: Prof. Edgar Sánchez-Sinencio was born in Mexico City, Mexico. He received the degree in communications and electronic engineering (Professional degree) from the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico, Mexico City, the M.S.E.E. degree from Stanford University, Stanford, CA, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, in 1966, 1970, and 1973, respectively.
He has graduated 51 M.Sc. and 39 Ph.D. students. He is a co-author of six books on different topics, such as RF circuits, low-voltage low-power analog circuits, and neural networks. He is currently the TI J. Kilby Chair Professor and Director of the Analog and Mixed-Signal Center at Texas A&M University. His current interests are in the area of power management, ultra-low power analog circuits, data converters and medical electronics circuit design.
He is a former Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II and a former IEEE CAS Vice PresidentâPublications. In November 1995 he was awarded a Honoris Causa Doctorate by the National Institute for Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics, Mexico. This degree was the first honorary degree awarded for microelectronic circuit-design contributions. He is a co-recipient of the 1995 Guillemin-Cauer Award for his work on cellular networks. He received the Texas Senate Proclamation # 373 for Outstanding Accomplishments in 1996. He was also the co-recipient of the 1997 Darlington Award for his work on high-frequency filters. He received the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Golden Jubilee Medal in 1999. He is the recipient of the prestigious IEEE Circuits and Systems Society 2008 Technical Achievement Award. He was the IEEE Circuits and Systems Societyâs Representative to the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society during 2000â2002. He was a member of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Fellow Award Committee from 2002 to 2004. He is currently (2012-2013) a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Circuit and Systems Society
Host: Prof. Hossein Hashemi, Prof. Mahta Moghaddam, Prof. Mike Chen
More Info:
Location: Hughes Aircraft Electrical Engineering Center (EEB) - 248
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Hossein Hashemi
Event Link: