Events for January 25, 2012
AME Department Seminar
Wed, Jan 25, 2012 @ 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Rouslan Krechetnikov, Assistant Professor. Department of Mechanical Engineering. University of California, Santa Barbara
Talk Title: On a few puzzles in interfacial fluid mechanics
Abstract: Interfacial fluid mechanics has always been an inexhaustible source of challenging questions. In this talk I will discuss three long-standing problems and our recent progress on their understanding. First, I will present the experiments on self-agitation of a pendant drop, which results from a chemical reaction at the drop interface and which generates a number of nontrivial features: nonlinear auto-oscillations, tip-streaming and droplet trajectory splitting. While some of these features are analogous to the ones in the Taylor cone problem, preliminary analysis revealed that the underlying physics is fundamentally different. The second problem addresses the controversy in the current understanding of Marangoni effects in the classical Landau-Levich problem of a film deposition by a substrate withdrawal. The talk concludes with a discussion of the nature of the crown forming instability in the drop splash problem. Namely, I will describe some recent experiments on the drop splash problem, in which a drop impinges on a thin film of the same liquid, and provide some novel theoretical insights into the nature of the fundamental instability responsible for the crown formation.
Host: Prof. Paul Newton
More Info: Seaver Science Library (SSL) - 150
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: April Mundy
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