Events for April 12, 2012
AME Department Seminar
Thu, Apr 12, 2012 @ 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Javier E. Garay, Associate Professor and Chair. Materials Science and Engineering Program. Mechanical Engineering Department. University of California, Riverside. Riverside, CA.
Talk Title: Processing of Functional Nanocomposites for Laser, Thermoelectric and Renewable Energy Applications
Abstract: Improved performance of devices often hinges on the development of materials with a precise blend of properties. In this talk, I will discuss our ongoing work on tailoring material properties using the platform of nanocrystallinity. Three different applications will be discussed: nanocrystalline materials for 1) improved thermoelectric performance, 2) increased laser power, and 3) improved permanent magnets for renewable energy generation. We will begin with an overview of the versatile material processing technique of current activated pressure assisted densification (CAPAD) which we use to overcome the grain growth challenge and efficiently produce materials large enough to be viable nanocrystalline parts. The method draws its effectiveness from large electric current densities that serve to heat the materials and also alter the processing kinetics. We will then discuss how precise control of nanostructure can lead to significantly improves properties for a wide range of applications. The materials produced are large-sized, fully dense materials with grain sizes much less than 100 nm. The results will be discussed in terms of crystal length scale effects and proximity of nanoscale phases.
Host: Prof. Andrea Hodge
More Info:
Location: Robert Glen Rapp Engineering Research Building (RRB) - 208
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: April Mundy
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