Events for April 21, 2021
AME Seminar
Wed, Apr 21, 2021 @ 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Ashley Bucsek, University of Michigan
Talk Title: Probing Phase Transformations and Twinning Across Length Scales Using 3D X-Ray Microscopy
Abstract: Advanced materials are broadly defined as innovative materials that have atypical sizes, microstructures, and responses. These atypical characteristics enable major, previously impossible technological breakthroughs, yet many advanced materials owe their desirable properties to complex underlying micromechanics including twinning, detwinning, and martensitic phase transformations. Establishing the relationships between these local micromechanics and macroscopic material behavior is critical to accelerating the implementation of advanced materials. Toward these goals, we utilize modern 3D X-ray diffraction techniques that offer the capability to measure the deformation and microstructure evolution inside bulk materials, in situ, and across nine orders of magnitude in length scales (nm to mm). Measured quantities include the 3D microstructure map and spatially-resolved crystallographic orientation, elastic strain tensor, and phase fraction. These techniques can be used to simultaneously measure local microstructure events and the consequent macroscopic response, resulting in a tool uniquely suited for linking local micromechanics to material behavior. These capabilities will be illustrated using a number of research examples involving twinning and phase-transforming materials, using nickel-titanium shape memory alloys as a model material system. Ongoing and future work will also be discussed, including the development of a first-of-its kind laboratory-scale instrument to conduct 3D X-ray diffraction experiments in-house.
Biography: Ashley Bucsek is an assistant professor in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan. Previously, she was a President's Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Minnesota and a visiting scientist on beamline ID06 at the ESRF. She holds an MS and PhD from Colorado School of Mines and a BSE from the University of Wyoming. Bucsek's research combines 3D X-ray diffraction microscopy with micromechanical theory to study deformation and microstructure evolution in structural and functional materials. She is a regular user at the APS, CHESS, and the ESRF and is currently developing a laboratory-scale high energy diffraction microscopy microscope. Bucsek is also a board member on the ASM International Organization on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, an editorial advisory board member of the Shape Memory and Superelasticity journal, an APS Imaging/Microbeam proposal review panel member, and a member of the DOE-funded PRISMS Center,
Host: AME Department
More Info:
Webcast: Online event
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Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Tessa Yao
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