Events for March 10, 2017
Seminars in Biomedical Engineering
Fri, Mar 10, 2017 @ 02:00 PM - 03:50 PM
Alfred E. Mann Department of Biomedical Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Muyinatu , Assistant Professor & PULSE Lab Director, Johns Hopkins (Whiting School of Engineering)
Talk Title: TBA
Series: Distinguished Speaker Series, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Biography: Biography: Dr. Muyinatu A. Lediju Bell (informally known as "Bisi") is an assistant professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering with a joint appointment in the Biomedical Engineering Department. Dr. Bell obtained a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Duke University and a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (BME minor) from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In addition, Dr. Bell spent a year abroad as a Whitaker International Fellow, conducting research at the Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden Hospital in the United Kingdom. Prior to joining the faculty, Dr. Bell was a postdoctoral fellow with the Engineering Research Center for Computer-Integrated Surgical Systems and Technology at Johns Hopkins University. She published over 40 scientific journal articles and conference papers, holds a patent for SLSC beamforming, and is the recipient of numerous awards, grants, and fellowships, including the prestigious NIH K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award and the esteemed MIT Technology Review 35 Innovators Under 35 Award.
Location: Corwin D. Denney Research Center (DRB) - 146
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Mischalgrace Diasanta