Events for February 09, 2007
Biodiesel In America - Setting the Stage
Fri, Feb 09, 2007 @ 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker:Joe Gershen,
Tellurian Biodiesel,
PO Box 3096,
Santa Monica, CA 90408,
Biodiesel In America - Setting the StageAbstract:For many years energy has been taken for granted, with reliance upon nonrenewable petroleum, natural gas, coal and other fossil-based fuel reserves as a predominant source for transportation, power and home heating needs. Recent market conditions and energy security concerns along with increased environmental and climate change consciousness have created an awareness and demand for non-polluting, domestically produced, renewable resources to supplement our reliance upon petroleum fuels. Our energy future depends on finding sustainable energy solutions, and biodiesel is one of those solutions.The talk will be about the biodiesel marketplace, demand drivers, which include both energy policy and markets, acceptance of biodiesel by manufacturers, as well as opportunities and challenges which face this emerging industry.Location: Kaprielian Hall (KAP) - rielian Hall, 156
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Evangeline Reyes