Events for August 15, 2007
Multidiciplinary Research and Educational Activities: Mathematics, HPC, Structural .....
Wed, Aug 15, 2007 @ 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Dr. Duc Nguyen, Director, Institute for Multidiciplinary Parallel-Vector
Computation Institute and Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Old Dominion UniversityMultidisciplinary Research and Educational Activities:
Mathematics, HPC, Structural, Acoustics, CFD, and Biology ApplicationsAbstract:Part 1: The NASA Grants in the past 20+ years (80 % RESEARCH + 20 % EDUCATION)Fundamental and numerical intensive equations arising from Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Structural Analysis, Design Sensitivity Analysis (DSA), Optimal Design, Control-Structure Interaction (CSI), Aerospace/Automobile Design, Mathematics, Operation Research, Ocean Modeling, Ground Water Flow,Electro-magnetics, Aero-acoustic, Heat Transfer etc... are identified.Effective numerical algorithms to solve such (large-scale) numerical intensive equations have recently been developed. The developed algorithms take full advantages of parallel and/or vector capabilities provided by high-performance computers, such as the SUN-10000 (64 processors), SGI-2000 (16 processors),the IBM-SP2 ... Effective parallel computation by using cluster of inexpensive Desktop/Laptop Personal Computers (under Windows, or Linux environments)are also presented.Based upon the developed parallel-vector algorithms (for solving systems of linear/nonlinear, symmetric/unsymmetric, positive or negative definite, eigenvalue equations, linear/nonlinear constrained/unconstrained optimization, design sensitivity analysis, 2nd order P.D.E.), several major (numerical intensive) subroutines have been coded and tested in a vector and/or parallel computer environments [1993 NASA Langley Research Center TECH BRIEF Award].Large-scale NASA engineering problems, such as stress analysis of the Solid Rocket Booster (SRB), High Speed Civil Transport (HSCT) aircraft, NASA LaRC CSI model etc... have been solved to evaluate the numerical performance of the developed algorithms. The SRB problem, for example, requires fast solution for 58,000 simultaneous equations. Using the developed subroutine PVSOLVE[1989 Giga-Flops Award, Cray Research Inc.],solution for the SRB problem was obtained in less than 5 seconds (wall-clock time, Cray-YMP computer).The most recent development of highly efficient "Mixed Direct Iterative Domain Decomposition Parallel-Sparse Solvers" to solve a 25 million degree-of-freedoms (or equations) Finite Element Acoustic model, with "complex numbers", by using hundreds of parallel processors
will be presented.Part 2: The NSF Grant (80 % EDUCATION + 20 % RESEARCH)Finally, discussion will be focused on the needs and benefits by using the Interactive, User-Friendly, Visualized Stiffness Matrix Method (SMM) Module, including students' self-assessment learning module in conjunction with the required (Junior Level) Structures I and the elective (Senior Level)Structures II courses (developed under FLASH computer environment) available on ODU (Old Dominion University) web site.
Location: Kaprielian Hall (KAP) - 203
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Evangeline Reyes