Events for September 14, 2009
Joint Analysis of Stock Prices and Volatility in a Class of Stochastic Volatility Models with Jumps
Mon, Sep 14, 2009 @ 02:30 PM - 03:30 PM
Daniel J. Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
University Calendar
Math Finance ColloquiumMonday, Sept. 14, 2:30-3:30 PM at KAP 414Title: "Joint Analysis of Stock Prices and Volatility in a Class of Stochastic Volatility Models with Jumps"Speaker: Prof. Petra Posedel, University of Zagreb, CroatiaABSTRACT: We introduce a variant of the Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard stochastic volatility model where the non Gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process describes some measure of trading intensity like trading volume or number of trades instead of unobservable instantaneous variance. We develop an explicit estimator based on martingale estimating functions in a bivariate model that is not a diffusion, but admits jumps. It is assumed that both the quantities are observed on a discrete grid of fixed width, and the observation horizon tends to infinity. We show that the estimator is consistent and asymptotically normal and give explicit expressions of the asymptotic covariance matrix. Our method is illustrated by a finite sample experiment and a statistical analysis on the International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) stock from the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) stock from Nasdaq during a history of five years.
Location: Kaprielian Hall (KAP) - 414
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Georgia Lum