Events for September 18, 2009
Hospital / Physician Integration: Discussion of Realities and Choices in 2009 and Beyond
Fri, Sep 18, 2009 @ 07:30 AM - 09:30 AM
Daniel J. Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
University Calendar
Health Care Executives of Southern CaliforniaThe Independent Southern California Chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Invites you to an L.A. County Area Program: "Hospital/Physician Integration: Discussion of Realities and Choices in 2009 and Beyond"Join Us For This Special Program and Panel DiscussionSuccessful hospital and physician relationships have always been critical in healthcare, but even more so in light of multiple challenges: reimbursement pressures, healthcare reform, pay-for-performance, increased industry consolidation/ competition, and the quality mandate. To integrate or not: that is the question. This program will address the current realities and choices health systems, hospitals, and medical groups are facing when considering strategic alignments, relationships, or other partnerships.Speaker Panel: Arnie Schaffer, Chief Executive/San Fernando Valley Service Area
Providence Health Services Bill Gil, President/CEO, Facey Medical Foundation Josh Luke, CEO, Western Medical CenterIntroductions by:Robert Myrtle, Professor of Health Services Administration, School of Policy, Planning and Development, USC. Professor Myrtle's key research interests are interorganizational relations, strategic decision making and organizational and management effectiveness.Date: Friday, September 18, 2009Time: 7:30 AM 9:30 AM / Networking / Breakfast / ProgramCost: $35.00 HCE/ACHE Members, Non-Members, $10.00 StudentsLocation: University of Southern California, School of Policy, Planning, and Development, 650 Childs Way, Los Angeles, Lewis Hall Room RGL 101 - AuditoriumParking: Parking Structure X at Gate 3, $8.00Contact: Sara Alviani,, 805) 650-1243There are only a few spaces left for this event. If you wish to attend, submit a credit card payment to Sara Alviani via fax or email by Friday, September 11.Reserve your space now!For information on becoming a member of HCE, go to Your membership in ACHE entitles you to a complimentary membership in HCE!"Hospital/Physician Integration: Discussion of Realities and Choices in 2009 and Beyond," Friday, September 18, 2009Name/Title_____________________________________________________________________Organization___________________________________________________________________Address________________________________________________________________________Telephone/Email________________________________________________________________Are you a member of HCE or ACHE? Yes _____ No _____Amount paid: $____________If student, provide name of school______________________________________Check O Check #___________ Credit Card O Card Type: MC Visa AmEx Card #__________________________ Exp. Date ______________ Name on Card ____________________________________________(Please Print)
CV#______________(3-digit number on back of Visa, MasterCard; 4 digit number on front of AmEx)Cardholder Address _____________________________________________________________City, State,Zip ________________________________________________________________Signature of Cardholder __________________________________________________________CANCELLATION POLICY: NO REFUNDS AFTER September 11, 2009.Please mail or fax completed form, along with your payment, to:Health Care Executives of Southern California, 6633 Telephone Road, Suite 210, Ventura, California 93003, (805)650-6456 FaxLocation: Ralph And Goldy Lewis Hall (RGL) - 101 (Auditorium)
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Georgia Lum