Events for November 06, 2007
Surface Flattening and Developable Freeform Surface Modeling
Tue, Nov 06, 2007 @ 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM
Daniel J. Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
University Calendar
DANIEL J. EPSTEIN DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING SEMINAR"Surface Flattening and Developable Freeform Surface Modeling"Charlie C.L. Wang, Ph.D.Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanicaland Automation Engineering, Chinese University of Hong KongABSTRACT: The research presented in this talk is motivated by the development of 3D design automation systems for freeform products in those industries where the products are fabricated from two-dimensional patterns of sheet material (e.g., metal in ship industry, fabric in apparel industry and toy industry, and leather in shoe industry and furniture industry). How to determine the shape of 2D pieces from given 3D surface patches now becomes the bottleneck problem of the modeling cycle. An energy minimization based surface flattening technique will firstly be introduced to solve this problem. The surface flattening is later equipped with a novel signature Length-Preserved Free Boundary (LPFB) so that a given model can be segmented into quasi-developable patches and flattened. Computing the 3D/2D mapping is also formulated as a problem for modeling developable freeform surfaces, where a novel Flattenable Laplacian (FL) mesh modeling scheme will be introduced. Lastly, the speaker will present how a woven fitting based surface flattening technique is conducted in the geometric design of custom-made medical assistant braces. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2007, GERONTOLOGY BUILDING (GER) ROOM 309, 3:30-4:30 PM------------------BIOGRAPHY: Dr. Charlie C.L. Wang received his B.Eng. degree (1998) in mechatronics engineering from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, his M.Phil. degree (2000) and Ph.D. degree (2002) in mechanical engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Since 2003, he has been an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Dr. Wang is a member of IEEE and ASME, an editorial board member of International Journal of Virtual Reality, and a guest editor of international journals Computer-Aided Design and Computers in Industry. His current research interests include geometric modeling in computer-aided design and manufacturing, biomedical engineering, and computer graphics, as well as computational physics in virtual reality, which leads to over 60 academic papers published in the relevant areas and the Best Paper Award from ASME DETC/CIE 2001 conference. Dr. Wang has served in program committee of various major international conferences including ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2007, ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software & Technology 2007, International CAD Conference 2005 to 2008, and International Conference of Geometric Modeling and Processing 2006 and 2008, etc.
Location: Ethel Percy Andrus Gerontology Center (GER) - 309
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Georgia Lum