October 17, 2006 —
Left-Right: Shiva Sundaram and Shrikanth Narayanan
Students and faculty in the Department of Electrical engineering recently won two best paper awards at two major IEEE conferences. The students and faculty are both associated with the Signal and Image Processing Institute (SIPI) and Integrated Media Systems Center (IMSC).
Man-on Pun, M. Morelli and C.-C. Jay Kuo, received the best student paper award for Iterative Equalization and Decoding for Unsynchronized OFDMA Uplink Transmissions. The award is sponsored by sponsored by John Wiley and Sons at the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2006 held in Montréal, Canada, September 25-28, 2006. This is the flagship conference of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. Pun graduated in the Spring of 2006 and is currently a Post-Doctoral fellow at Princeton University with Professor Vincent Poor.
Another paper entitled An Attribute-Based Approach to Audio Description Applied to Segmenting Vocal Sections In Popular Music Songs co-authored by Shiva Sundaram and Shrikanth Narayanan received the best student paper award sponsored by Microsoft at the 2006 IEEE Multimedia Signal Processing workshop in Victoria, Canada, October 4-6, 2006. This paper considers new methods for categorizing audio using perceptually and semantically meaningful ways.