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Hsieh Department Standout Wins First IEEE Nanotechnology Early Career Award

Specialist in nanotube fabrication and utilization wins plaque and prize
Eric Mankin
January 30, 2007 —
Zhou in Tutor hall laboratory: Big honor for specialist in the ultrasmall
Chongwu Zhou, whose recent work on ingenious techniques to have carbon nanotubes self-assemble themselves into useful structures on sapphire bases has attracted international attention, is the first winner of a new IEEE honor.

An associate professor in the Ming Hsieh Department of  Electrical Engineering, Zhou received  word in January that the awards committee of the IEEE Nanotechnology Council had named him winner of its new early career award - the first to receive the honor.

The presentation will be made at a conference dinner of the IEEE NANO 2007 conference, to be held August 2-5, 2007 in  Hong Kong. In addition to receiving a  plaque and a check, Zhou will receive an invitation to give a talk. 

Zhou was a 2004 winner of a Viterbi School  junior faculty research award and a National Science Foundation Career Award.

The young scientist began his career in China, receiving a B.S. from that nation's  University of Science and Technology and  continued his education in the U.S., receiving his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Yale University in 1999.

He worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at Stanford University before joining the USC faculty in 2000.

Recent Viterbi School research stories about his work include:

USC Scientist Invents Technique to Grow Superconducting and Magnetic Nanocables

Stacked and Packed
Nanowires Hold Triplexed Megadata

Sapphire Stars in Nanotube Support Role On crystal surfaces, nanotubes self-guide themselves into dense structures with exciting potential applications as sensors or integrated circuits

Nanotubes to Go
USC Electrochemist's Technique Promises Far Greater Yield and Flexibility for Next-Generation Computing and Sensing Devices