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Postcards from Rome

Undergraduate engineering students share sense of timelessness and turbulent history in the ‘Eternal City’

July 25, 2008 —
Ben Kastroll with the Colosseum in the distance.
Rome Vitoriano C. POBLETE 1
Christopher Poblete on steps of the Palacio Vitoriano in Rome.

Engineering students from the Viterbi School enjoyed a seven-week overseas study program this summer as part of the school’s Overseas Program in Rome, Italty.  For the past two months, they’ve been fulfilling requirements in basic engineering courses required for the undergraduate degree while perfecting their writing skills and learning about Roman culture, art and engineering.

The overseas study program is offered each year to students who want an overseas experience without adding an extra semester to their undergraduate program. The courses are accelerated and academically challenging, but well worth the experience. The overseas program gives students a rare opportunity to learn more about engineering in another part of the world.

We have compiled the postcards along with some photos for all to read and enjoy.

>> Postcards from Rome 2008
>> More about Overseas & Exchange Programs study