Two Viterbi School faculty from the Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering have been elected as officers of the IEEE's Information Theory Society for 2011.
Professor Giuseppe Caire will serve as president while Professor Gerhard Kramer has been elected second vice president.
"Please join me in congratulating Giuseppe and Gerhard on this significant recognition by their technical peers," said Alexander (Sandy) Sawchuk, System Chair of the Hsieh Department. "Their election as IEEE Information Society officers is an important affirmation of the strength of our electrical engineering faculty in information theory and related areas of research."
Giuseppe Caire
Caire came to USC in 2005 from the Eurecom Institute, Sophia-Antipolis, France. His research is in communication theory, information theory and coding theory with a particular focus on wireless applications.
He received the Jack Neubauer Best System Paper Award from the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society in 2003, and the Joint Information Theory/Communications Society Best Paper Award in 2004. He served as Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Communications in 1998-2001 and as Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory in 2001-2003. He was elected in the Board of Governors of the IEEE Information Theory Society in 2004 and was nominated IEEE Fellow in 2005.
Kramer, who is known for many research contributions to coded modulation, iterative decoding, and cooperative communications, joined USC in 2009 after spending eight years at the Math Center at Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ. He is a co-recipient of the IEEE Communications Society 2005 Stephen O. Rice Prize paper award, a co-recipient of the 2003 Bell Labs President's Gold Award, and a recipient of an ETH Medal in 1998.
He and has served as associate editor for Shannon Theory, special issue guest editor, and publications editor for the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. He was technical program co-chair of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, and general co-chair of the 1st and 2nd Annual Schools of Information Theory in 2008 and 2009. Kramer is a member of the Emerging Technologies Committee of the IEEE Communications Society and was elected to the Board of Governors of the IEEE Information Theory Society for 2009-11. He is a senior member of the IEEE.
Gerhard Kramer
The IEEE Information Theory Society is the leading international technical organization in the field. Its purpose is to connect people interested processing, transmission, storage, and use of information, as well as theoretical and applied aspects of coding, communications, and communications networks.