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Events Calendar

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Workshops & Infosessions
Events for August

  • Repeating Event[Virtual] First-Year Admission Information Session

    Tue, Aug 02, 2022 @ 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Undergraduate Admission

    Workshops & Infosessions

    Our virtual information session is a live presentation from a USC Viterbi admission counselor designed for high school students and their family members to learn more about the USC Viterbi undergraduate experience. Our session will cover an overview of our undergraduate engineering programs, the application process, and more on student life. Guests will be able to ask questions and engage in further discussion toward the end of the session.

    Register Here!

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    View All Dates

    Contact: Viterbi Admission

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating Event[Virtual] First-Year Admission Information Session

    Thu, Aug 04, 2022 @ 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Undergraduate Admission

    Workshops & Infosessions

    Our virtual information session is a live presentation from a USC Viterbi admission counselor designed for high school students and their family members to learn more about the USC Viterbi undergraduate experience. Our session will cover an overview of our undergraduate engineering programs, the application process, and more on student life. Guests will be able to ask questions and engage in further discussion toward the end of the session.

    Register Here!

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    View All Dates

    Contact: Viterbi Admission

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Prospective Student Webinar:
    Master's & PhD Programs in Engineering and Computer Science

    Fri, Aug 05, 2022 @ 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Graduate Admission

    Workshops & Infosessions

    Interested in Master's or PhD programs in engineering or computer science?

    You are cordially invited to meet representatives from the University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering on an online webinar.

    Students who have earned or are in the process of earning a Bachelor's degree in engineering, computer science, mathematics, or a hard science (such as physics, biology, or chemistry) are welcome to attend to learn more about applying to our graduate programs.

    The session will include information on the following topics:

    - Master's & PhD programs in engineering, computer science, and data science
    - How to Apply
    - Scholarships and funding
    - Student life at USC and in Los Angeles

    There will also be sufficient time for questions.

    We look forward to seeing you there.


    WebCast Link: https://usc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__PlYwIwnSpa-R0hHHjPOTQ

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: William Schwerin

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating Event[Virtual] First-Year Admission Information Session

    Tue, Aug 09, 2022 @ 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Undergraduate Admission

    Workshops & Infosessions

    Our virtual information session is a live presentation from a USC Viterbi admission counselor designed for high school students and their family members to learn more about the USC Viterbi undergraduate experience. Our session will cover an overview of our undergraduate engineering programs, the application process, and more on student life. Guests will be able to ask questions and engage in further discussion toward the end of the session.

    Register Here!

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    View All Dates

    Contact: Viterbi Admission

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • PwC's Summer Showcase - Apply By July 25th!

    Wed, Aug 10, 2022 @ 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Career Connections

    Workshops & Infosessions

    PwC's Summer Showcase - Apply By July 25th! PwC's Summer Showcase is for interested, prospective interns and full-time hires. The Summer Showcase includes 2 premiere events; one in person and one virtual. See below for more information.

    Recruiting Sneak Peek Virtual Presentation - Wednesday, August 10th, 4 PM - 5 PM PT Provides students the opportunity to learn about the fall recruiting timeline, PwC opportunities, and tips on how to prepare. In addition, they will break out into small groups to meet their school recruiter, learn more about upcoming events and ask questions.

    PwC Office Open Houses - Various dates and times throughout August. Welcomes students to stop by their local PwC office to network with our PwC professionals and get an insider look at one of the Big 4 workplaces across multiple offices in the West Coast region.

    Register for the Summer Showcase through this link (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdpnx4ENdGhO56Pk79rnPQpdazNry5u-i_gAEd7RqfiUKH02w/viewform) by July 25 at 5:00 pm PST. Reach out with questions to your PwC recruiter, Emily Newton (emily.n.newton@pwc.com).

    External employer-hosted events and activities are not affiliated with the USC Viterbi Career Connections Office. They are posted on Viterbi Career Connections because they may be of interest to members of the Viterbi community. Inclusion of any activity does not indicate USC sponsorship or endorsement of that activity or event. It is the participant's responsibility to apply due diligence, exercise caution when participating, and report concerns to vcareers@usc.edu.

    Location: Virtual & In-Person

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: RTH 218 Viterbi Career Connections

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • DEN@Viterbi - Online Graduate Engineering Virtual Information Session

    Thu, Aug 11, 2022 @ 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM

    DEN@Viterbi, Viterbi School of Engineering Graduate Admission

    Workshops & Infosessions

    Join USC Viterbi School of Engineering for a virtual information session via WebEx, providing an introduction to DEN@Viterbi, our top ranked online delivery system. Discover the 40+ graduate engineering and computer science programs available entirely online.

    Attendees will have the opportunity to connect directly with USC Viterbi representatives during the session to discuss the admission process, program details and the benefits of online delivery.

    Register Today!

    WebCast Link: https://uscviterbi.webex.com/uscviterbi/onstage/g.php?MTID=ed3bed1c6deba2ae6da54abe5e1b57693

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: Corporate & Professional Programs

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating Event[Virtual] First-Year Admission Information Session

    Thu, Aug 11, 2022 @ 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Undergraduate Admission

    Workshops & Infosessions

    Our virtual information session is a live presentation from a USC Viterbi admission counselor designed for high school students and their family members to learn more about the USC Viterbi undergraduate experience. Our session will cover an overview of our undergraduate engineering programs, the application process, and more on student life. Guests will be able to ask questions and engage in further discussion toward the end of the session.

    Register Here!

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    View All Dates

    Contact: Viterbi Admission

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventNew & Continuing MS Student Group Advising Session (CSCI/DSCI)

    Mon, Aug 15, 2022 @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    If you are a New or Continuing MS student in the Computer Science Department or Data Science Program and have any questions or need assistance, please join us for today's optional group advising session via zoom. Access instructions will be sent to students directly. Note: D-clearance is not granted during advisement sessions. All requests for d-clearance must go through the myViterbi portal.

    Location: Zoom

    Audiences: Graduate

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventCS Undergraduate Live Chat Drop-in Advisement

    Mon, Aug 15, 2022 @ 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    CS Advisors will be available on Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays this fall from 1:30pm to 2:30pm to assist undergraduates in our four majors (CSCI, CSBA, CSGA, and CECS) via Live Chat. Access the live chat through our website at https://cs.usc.edu/chat

    Location: Live Chat on Website

    Audiences: Undergrad

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventNew & Continuing MS Student Group Advising Session (CSCI/DSCI)

    Mon, Aug 15, 2022 @ 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    If you are a New or Continuing MS student in the Computer Science Department or Data Science Program and have any questions or need assistance, please join us for today's optional group advising session via zoom. Access instructions will be sent to students directly. Note: D-clearance is not granted during advisement sessions. All requests for d-clearance must go through the myViterbi portal.

    Location: Zoom

    Audiences: Graduate

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventNew & Continuing MS Student Group Advising Session (CSCI/DSCI)

    Tue, Aug 16, 2022 @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    If you are a New or Continuing MS student in the Computer Science Department or Data Science Program and have any questions or need assistance, please join us for today's optional group advising session via zoom. Access instructions will be sent to students directly. Note: D-clearance is not granted during advisement sessions. All requests for d-clearance must go through the myViterbi portal.

    Location: Zoom

    Audiences: Graduate

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventCS Undergraduate Live Chat Drop-in Advisement

    Tue, Aug 16, 2022 @ 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    CS Advisors will be available on Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays this fall from 1:30pm to 2:30pm to assist undergraduates in our four majors (CSCI, CSBA, CSGA, and CECS) via Live Chat. Access the live chat through our website at https://cs.usc.edu/chat

    Location: Live Chat on Website

    Audiences: Undergrad

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventNew & Continuing MS Student Group Advising Session (CSCI/DSCI)

    Tue, Aug 16, 2022 @ 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    If you are a New or Continuing MS student in the Computer Science Department or Data Science Program and have any questions or need assistance, please join us for today's optional group advising session via zoom. Access instructions will be sent to students directly. Note: D-clearance is not granted during advisement sessions. All requests for d-clearance must go through the myViterbi portal.

    Location: Zoom

    Audiences: Graduate

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating Event[Virtual] First-Year Admission Information Session

    Tue, Aug 16, 2022 @ 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Undergraduate Admission

    Workshops & Infosessions

    Our virtual information session is a live presentation from a USC Viterbi admission counselor designed for high school students and their family members to learn more about the USC Viterbi undergraduate experience. Our session will cover an overview of our undergraduate engineering programs, the application process, and more on student life. Guests will be able to ask questions and engage in further discussion toward the end of the session.

    Register Here!

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    View All Dates

    Contact: Viterbi Admission

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • DEN@Viterbi - 'Limited Status: How to Get Started' Virtual Info Session

    Tue, Aug 16, 2022 @ 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM

    DEN@Viterbi, Viterbi School of Engineering Graduate Admission

    Workshops & Infosessions

    Join USC Viterbi for our upcoming Limited Status: How to Get Started Virtual Information Session via WebEx to learn about the Limited Status enrollment option. The Limited Status enrollment option allows individuals with an undergraduate degree in engineering or related field, with a 3.0 GPA or above to take courses before applying for formal admission into a Viterbi graduate degree program.

    USC Viterbi representatives will provide a step-by-step guide for how to get started as a Limited Status student and enroll in courses online via DEN@Viterbi as early as the Fall 2022 semester.

    Register Now!

    WebCast Link: https://uscviterbi.webex.com/uscviterbi/onstage/g.php?MTID=e2444c7cf201d12791b51253736ec0849

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: Corporate & Professional Programs

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventNew & Continuing MS Student Group Advising Session (CSCI/DSCI)

    Wed, Aug 17, 2022 @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    If you are a New or Continuing MS student in the Computer Science Department or Data Science Program and have any questions or need assistance, please join us for today's optional group advising session via zoom. Access instructions will be sent to students directly. Note: D-clearance is not granted during advisement sessions. All requests for d-clearance must go through the myViterbi portal.

    Location: Zoom

    Audiences: Graduate

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventCS Undergraduate Live Chat Drop-in Advisement

    Wed, Aug 17, 2022 @ 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    CS Advisors will be available on Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays this fall from 1:30pm to 2:30pm to assist undergraduates in our four majors (CSCI, CSBA, CSGA, and CECS) via Live Chat. Access the live chat through our website at https://cs.usc.edu/chat

    Location: Live Chat on Website

    Audiences: Undergrad

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventNew & Continuing MS Student Group Advising Session (CSCI/DSCI)

    Wed, Aug 17, 2022 @ 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    If you are a New or Continuing MS student in the Computer Science Department or Data Science Program and have any questions or need assistance, please join us for today's optional group advising session via zoom. Access instructions will be sent to students directly. Note: D-clearance is not granted during advisement sessions. All requests for d-clearance must go through the myViterbi portal.

    Location: Zoom

    Audiences: Graduate

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Prospective Student Webinar:
    Master's & PhD Programs in Engineering and Computer Science

    Wed, Aug 17, 2022 @ 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Graduate Admission

    Workshops & Infosessions

    Interested in Master's or PhD programs in engineering or computer science?

    You are cordially invited to meet representatives from the University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering on an online webinar.

    Students who have earned or are in the process of earning a Bachelor's degree in engineering, computer science, mathematics, or a hard science (such as physics, biology, or chemistry) are welcome to attend to learn more about applying to our graduate programs.

    The session will include information on the following topics:

    - Master's & PhD programs in engineering, computer science, and data science
    - How to Apply
    - Scholarships and funding
    - Student life at USC and in Los Angeles

    There will also be sufficient time for questions.

    We look forward to seeing you there.


    WebCast Link: https://usc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8KIm0sYNTnelhRs8K6LfxQ

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: William Schwerin

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventNew & Continuing MS Student Group Advising Session (CSCI/DSCI)

    Thu, Aug 18, 2022 @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    If you are a New or Continuing MS student in the Computer Science Department or Data Science Program and have any questions or need assistance, please join us for today's optional group advising session via zoom. Access instructions will be sent to students directly. Note: D-clearance is not granted during advisement sessions. All requests for d-clearance must go through the myViterbi portal.

    Location: Zoom

    Audiences: Graduate

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventCS Undergraduate Live Chat Drop-in Advisement

    Thu, Aug 18, 2022 @ 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    CS Advisors will be available on Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays this fall from 1:30pm to 2:30pm to assist undergraduates in our four majors (CSCI, CSBA, CSGA, and CECS) via Live Chat. Access the live chat through our website at https://cs.usc.edu/chat

    Location: Live Chat on Website

    Audiences: Undergrad

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventNew & Continuing MS Student Group Advising Session (CSCI/DSCI)

    Thu, Aug 18, 2022 @ 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    If you are a New or Continuing MS student in the Computer Science Department or Data Science Program and have any questions or need assistance, please join us for today's optional group advising session via zoom. Access instructions will be sent to students directly. Note: D-clearance is not granted during advisement sessions. All requests for d-clearance must go through the myViterbi portal.

    Location: Zoom

    Audiences: Graduate

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating Event[Virtual] First-Year Admission Information Session

    Thu, Aug 18, 2022 @ 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Undergraduate Admission

    Workshops & Infosessions

    Our virtual information session is a live presentation from a USC Viterbi admission counselor designed for high school students and their family members to learn more about the USC Viterbi undergraduate experience. Our session will cover an overview of our undergraduate engineering programs, the application process, and more on student life. Guests will be able to ask questions and engage in further discussion toward the end of the session.

    Register Here!

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    View All Dates

    Contact: Viterbi Admission

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventNew & Continuing MS Student Group Advising Session (CSCI/DSCI)

    Mon, Aug 22, 2022 @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    If you are a New or Continuing MS student in the Computer Science Department or Data Science Program and have any questions or need assistance, please join us for today's optional group advising session via zoom. Access instructions will be sent to students directly. Note: D-clearance is not granted during advisement sessions. All requests for d-clearance must go through the myViterbi portal.

    Location: Zoom

    Audiences: Graduate

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventCS Undergraduate Live Chat Drop-in Advisement

    Mon, Aug 22, 2022 @ 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    CS Advisors will be available on Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays this fall from 1:30pm to 2:30pm to assist undergraduates in our four majors (CSCI, CSBA, CSGA, and CECS) via Live Chat. Access the live chat through our website at https://cs.usc.edu/chat

    Location: Live Chat on Website

    Audiences: Undergrad

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventNew & Continuing MS Student Group Advising Session (CSCI/DSCI)

    Mon, Aug 22, 2022 @ 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    If you are a New or Continuing MS student in the Computer Science Department or Data Science Program and have any questions or need assistance, please join us for today's optional group advising session via zoom. Access instructions will be sent to students directly. Note: D-clearance is not granted during advisement sessions. All requests for d-clearance must go through the myViterbi portal.

    Location: Zoom

    Audiences: Graduate

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventNew & Continuing MS Student Group Advising Session (CSCI/DSCI)

    Tue, Aug 23, 2022 @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    If you are a New or Continuing MS student in the Computer Science Department or Data Science Program and have any questions or need assistance, please join us for today's optional group advising session via zoom. Access instructions will be sent to students directly. Note: D-clearance is not granted during advisement sessions. All requests for d-clearance must go through the myViterbi portal.

    Location: Zoom

    Audiences: Graduate

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Resume Workshop

    Tue, Aug 23, 2022 @ 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Career Connections

    Workshops & Infosessions


    Does your resume highlight the skills that will land an interview? Review tips and tricks on how to best showcase yourself to employers by attending this professional development Q&A moderated by Viterbi Career Connection staff. Have your resume ready to take notes and make modifications in real-time!

    To access the ZOOM link and for more information on this workshop, log into Viterbi Career Gateway>> Events>>Workshops: https://shibboleth-viterbi-usc-csm.symplicity.com/sso/

    For more information about all workshops, please visit viterbicareers.usc.edu/workshops.

    For In-Person: Attendance is limited to room capacity

    Location: Ronald Tutor Hall of Engineering (RTH) - 211

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: RTH 218 Viterbi Career Connections

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventCS Undergraduate Live Chat Drop-in Advisement

    Tue, Aug 23, 2022 @ 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    CS Advisors will be available on Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays this fall from 1:30pm to 2:30pm to assist undergraduates in our four majors (CSCI, CSBA, CSGA, and CECS) via Live Chat. Access the live chat through our website at https://cs.usc.edu/chat

    Location: Live Chat on Website

    Audiences: Undergrad

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventNew & Continuing MS Student Group Advising Session (CSCI/DSCI)

    Tue, Aug 23, 2022 @ 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    If you are a New or Continuing MS student in the Computer Science Department or Data Science Program and have any questions or need assistance, please join us for today's optional group advising session via zoom. Access instructions will be sent to students directly. Note: D-clearance is not granted during advisement sessions. All requests for d-clearance must go through the myViterbi portal.

    Location: Zoom

    Audiences: Graduate

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating Event[Virtual] First-Year Admission Information Session

    Tue, Aug 23, 2022 @ 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Undergraduate Admission

    Workshops & Infosessions

    Our virtual information session is a live presentation from a USC Viterbi admission counselor designed for high school students and their family members to learn more about the USC Viterbi undergraduate experience. Our session will cover an overview of our undergraduate engineering programs, the application process, and more on student life. Guests will be able to ask questions and engage in further discussion toward the end of the session.

    Register Here!

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    View All Dates

    Contact: Viterbi Admission

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Women in STEM Virtual Career Fair (Virtual, External)

    Wed, Aug 24, 2022 @ 08:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Career Connections

    Workshops & Infosessions

    Women in STEM Virtual Career Fair

    8am - 12pm

    Virtual / RSVP HERE: https://www.careereco.com/Fair/EventDetails?fairId=31526f32-6296-4b99-b9f1-aea901559809

    Vault / Firsthand is hosting a national career fair for Women in Stem in late August that is targeting students and candidates seeking internships, entry level roles and lateral opportunities.

    Companies such as Abbott, Trinity and Infosys, among many others, will be showcasing content in different virtual rooms, posting job opportunities and actively interacting with students and professionals.

    It is completely free for USC students to participate and a great way to get a jumpstart on learning about and securing internships or entry level employment early in the academic year.

    External employer-hosted events and activities are not affiliated with the USC Viterbi Career Connections Office. They are posted on Viterbi Career Connections because they may be of interest to members of the Viterbi community. Inclusion of any activity does not indicate USC sponsorship or endorsement of that activity or event. It is the participants responsibility to apply due diligence, exercise caution when participating, and report concerns to vcareers

    Location: Virtual Platform

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: RTH 218 Viterbi Career Connections

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventNew & Continuing MS Student Group Advising Session (CSCI/DSCI)

    Wed, Aug 24, 2022 @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    If you are a New or Continuing MS student in the Computer Science Department or Data Science Program and have any questions or need assistance, please join us for today's optional group advising session via zoom. Access instructions will be sent to students directly. Note: D-clearance is not granted during advisement sessions. All requests for d-clearance must go through the myViterbi portal.

    Location: Zoom

    Audiences: Graduate

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventCS Undergraduate Live Chat Drop-in Advisement

    Wed, Aug 24, 2022 @ 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    CS Advisors will be available on Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays this fall from 1:30pm to 2:30pm to assist undergraduates in our four majors (CSCI, CSBA, CSGA, and CECS) via Live Chat. Access the live chat through our website at https://cs.usc.edu/chat

    Location: Live Chat on Website

    Audiences: Undergrad

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventNew & Continuing MS Student Group Advising Session (CSCI/DSCI)

    Wed, Aug 24, 2022 @ 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    If you are a New or Continuing MS student in the Computer Science Department or Data Science Program and have any questions or need assistance, please join us for today's optional group advising session via zoom. Access instructions will be sent to students directly. Note: D-clearance is not granted during advisement sessions. All requests for d-clearance must go through the myViterbi portal.

    Location: Zoom

    Audiences: Graduate

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventNew & Continuing MS Student Group Advising Session (CSCI/DSCI)

    Thu, Aug 25, 2022 @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    If you are a New or Continuing MS student in the Computer Science Department or Data Science Program and have any questions or need assistance, please join us for today's optional group advising session via zoom. Access instructions will be sent to students directly. Note: D-clearance is not granted during advisement sessions. All requests for d-clearance must go through the myViterbi portal.

    Location: Zoom

    Audiences: Graduate

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventCS Undergraduate Live Chat Drop-in Advisement

    Thu, Aug 25, 2022 @ 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    CS Advisors will be available on Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays this fall from 1:30pm to 2:30pm to assist undergraduates in our four majors (CSCI, CSBA, CSGA, and CECS) via Live Chat. Access the live chat through our website at https://cs.usc.edu/chat

    Location: Live Chat on Website

    Audiences: Undergrad

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventNew & Continuing MS Student Group Advising Session (CSCI/DSCI)

    Thu, Aug 25, 2022 @ 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    If you are a New or Continuing MS student in the Computer Science Department or Data Science Program and have any questions or need assistance, please join us for today's optional group advising session via zoom. Access instructions will be sent to students directly. Note: D-clearance is not granted during advisement sessions. All requests for d-clearance must go through the myViterbi portal.

    Location: Zoom

    Audiences: Graduate

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating Event[Virtual] First-Year Admission Information Session

    Thu, Aug 25, 2022 @ 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Undergraduate Admission

    Workshops & Infosessions

    Our virtual information session is a live presentation from a USC Viterbi admission counselor designed for high school students and their family members to learn more about the USC Viterbi undergraduate experience. Our session will cover an overview of our undergraduate engineering programs, the application process, and more on student life. Guests will be able to ask questions and engage in further discussion toward the end of the session.

    Register Here!

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    View All Dates

    Contact: Viterbi Admission

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Gateway Lab Workshop

    Thu, Aug 25, 2022 @ 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Career Connections

    Workshops & Infosessions


    Take part in a live tutorial to help you navigate Viterbi Career Gateway, a powerful job and internship search tool available ONLY to Viterbi students.

    To access the ZOOM link and for more information on this workshop, log into Viterbi Career Gateway>> Events>>Workshops: https://shibboleth-viterbi-usc-csm.symplicity.com/sso/

    To access more information on all workshops, please visit viterbicareers.usc.edu/workshops.

    Location: ZOOM

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: RTH 218 Viterbi Career Connections

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventNew & Continuing MS Student Group Advising Session (CSCI/DSCI)

    Mon, Aug 29, 2022 @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    If you are a New or Continuing MS student in the Computer Science Department or Data Science Program and have any questions or need assistance, please join us for today's optional group advising session via zoom. Access instructions will be sent to students directly. Note: D-clearance is not granted during advisement sessions. All requests for d-clearance must go through the myViterbi portal.

    Location: Zoom

    Audiences: Graduate

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventCS Undergraduate Live Chat Drop-in Advisement

    Mon, Aug 29, 2022 @ 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    CS Advisors will be available on Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays this fall from 1:30pm to 2:30pm to assist undergraduates in our four majors (CSCI, CSBA, CSGA, and CECS) via Live Chat. Access the live chat through our website at https://cs.usc.edu/chat

    Location: Live Chat on Website

    Audiences: Undergrad

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventNew & Continuing MS Student Group Advising Session (CSCI/DSCI)

    Mon, Aug 29, 2022 @ 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    If you are a New or Continuing MS student in the Computer Science Department or Data Science Program and have any questions or need assistance, please join us for today's optional group advising session via zoom. Access instructions will be sent to students directly. Note: D-clearance is not granted during advisement sessions. All requests for d-clearance must go through the myViterbi portal.

    Location: Zoom

    Audiences: Graduate

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • World Wide Technology Internship Information Session (Virtual, External)

    Tue, Aug 30, 2022 @ 10:00 AM - 10:30 PM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Career Connections

    Workshops & Infosessions

    World Wide Technology Internship Information Session

    10:00 - 10:30 am

    Virtual, RSVP HERE: https://wwt.webex.com/wwt/j.php?MTID=m5950ba977ad6e1c151b78f08dd054201

    Join us to learn about Internship Opportunities at World Wide Technology!

    The WWT Internship Program is a 10-14 week summer program designed to give college students an opportunity to experience the workplace prior to graduation and enhance their education. Our program is focused on better preparing students for the business world while providing valuable contributions to our company. WWT interns work in a dynamic and collaborative culture that highlights career opportunities and advancement.

    The Application for Summer 2023 will open in mid-August and will close in November 2022. Please explore our website using the link below.


    External employer-hosted events and activities are not affiliated with the USC Viterbi Career Connections Office. They are posted on Viterbi Career Connections because they may be of interest to members of the Viterbi community. Inclusion of any activity does not indicate USC sponsorship or endorsement of that activity or event. It is the responsibility of the participant to apply due diligence, exercise caution when participating, and report concerns to vcareers@usc.edu

    Location: Virtual Platform

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: RTH 218 Viterbi Career Connections

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventNew & Continuing MS Student Group Advising Session (CSCI/DSCI)

    Tue, Aug 30, 2022 @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    If you are a New or Continuing MS student in the Computer Science Department or Data Science Program and have any questions or need assistance, please join us for today's optional group advising session via zoom. Access instructions will be sent to students directly. Note: D-clearance is not granted during advisement sessions. All requests for d-clearance must go through the myViterbi portal.

    Location: Zoom

    Audiences: Graduate

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Recruiting in a Virtual Environment Workshop

    Tue, Aug 30, 2022 @ 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Career Connections

    Workshops & Infosessions


    Learn about how recruitment has changed in this virtual environment and review best practices by attending this professional development Q&A moderated by Viterbi Career Connections staff or Viterbi employer partners.

    To access the ZOOM link and for more information on this workshop, log into Viterbi Career Gateway>> Events>>Workshops: https://shibboleth-viterbi-usc-csm.symplicity.com/sso/

    For more information about all workshops, please visit viterbicareers.usc.edu/workshops.

    For In-Person: Attendance is limited to room capacity

    Location: Ronald Tutor Hall of Engineering (RTH) - 211

    Audiences: All Viterbi Students

    Contact: RTH 218 Viterbi Career Connections

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventCS Undergraduate Live Chat Drop-in Advisement

    Tue, Aug 30, 2022 @ 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    CS Advisors will be available on Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays this fall from 1:30pm to 2:30pm to assist undergraduates in our four majors (CSCI, CSBA, CSGA, and CECS) via Live Chat. Access the live chat through our website at https://cs.usc.edu/chat

    Location: Live Chat on Website

    Audiences: Undergrad

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventNew & Continuing MS Student Group Advising Session (CSCI/DSCI)

    Tue, Aug 30, 2022 @ 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    If you are a New or Continuing MS student in the Computer Science Department or Data Science Program and have any questions or need assistance, please join us for today's optional group advising session via zoom. Access instructions will be sent to students directly. Note: D-clearance is not granted during advisement sessions. All requests for d-clearance must go through the myViterbi portal.

    Location: Zoom

    Audiences: Graduate

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating Event[Virtual] First-Year Admission Information Session

    Tue, Aug 30, 2022 @ 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Undergraduate Admission

    Workshops & Infosessions

    Our virtual information session is a live presentation from a USC Viterbi admission counselor designed for high school students and their family members to learn more about the USC Viterbi undergraduate experience. Our session will cover an overview of our undergraduate engineering programs, the application process, and more on student life. Guests will be able to ask questions and engage in further discussion toward the end of the session.

    Register Here!

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    View All Dates

    Contact: Viterbi Admission

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • KPMG Careers in Consulting & Technology on 8/30 - Sign-up by 8/19! (External, On-Campus)

    Tue, Aug 30, 2022 @ 06:00 PM - 09:00 PM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Career Connections

    Workshops & Infosessions

    KPMG LLP is hosting an information session on careers in consulting and technology on campus on the evening of Tuesday, August 30th. This session will provide students with an overview of KPMGs Advisory service lines, along with some groups within Audit (Tech Assurance) and Tax (Economic Valuation Services and Ignition) that focus on consulting and/or technology. Students will also have the opportunity to network with KPMG practice professionals.

    If interested in attending this event please fill out the KPMG Careers in Consulting & Technology form (linked in the event in Viterbi Career Gateway)
    by end of day, Friday, August 19th.

    If we meet room capacity, the first priority will be given to Juniors and Seniors. Official event invitations will be sent to selected students by end of day, Tuesday, August 23rd at the latest.

    Are you interested in undergraduates, masters, or PhD? Undergrad & Masters
    What majors are you recruiting for? Computer Science, Computer Engineering, ITP
    Can you offer Visa sponsorship? No
    Are you willing to hire a student on CTP or OPT? No
    What does your company do? Accounting and consulting services
    What types of internships and full time opportunities will be presented? Audit, Tax, and Advisory opportunities
    What (if any) hard tech skills are you looking for? TBD

    External employer-hosted events and activities are not affiliated with the USC Viterbi Career Connections Office. They are posted on Viterbi Career Connections because they may be of interest to members of the Viterbi community. Inclusion of any activity does not indicate USC sponsorship or endorsement of that activity or event. It is the participants responsibility to apply due diligence, exercise caution when participating, and report concerns to vcareers@usc.edu

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: RTH 218 Viterbi Career Connections

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventNew & Continuing MS Student Group Advising Session (CSCI/DSCI)

    Wed, Aug 31, 2022 @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    If you are a New or Continuing MS student in the Computer Science Department or Data Science Program and have any questions or need assistance, please join us for today's optional group advising session via zoom. Access instructions will be sent to students directly. Note: D-clearance is not granted during advisement sessions. All requests for d-clearance must go through the myViterbi portal.

    Location: Zoom

    Audiences: Graduate

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Technology Innovation & Entrepreneurship Information Session

    Technology Innovation & Entrepreneurship Information Session

    Wed, Aug 31, 2022 @ 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM

    USC Viterbi School of Engineering

    Workshops & Infosessions

    The USC Viterbi Office of Technology Innovation & Entrepreneurship invites you to join us on Wednesday, August 31 @ 12:00 PM for an information session hosted by Vice Dean Ellis Meng.

    Come learn about:

    Competitions: Learn how to develop a business model while competing for a cash prize! Teams will also have the chance to apply for prototyping funds and have access to business and technical mentors.

    Curricular Programs and Classes: Learn to identify markets, position your technology, and pitch your ideas.

    Internship Opportunities: Become an Entrepreneur in Training in an immersive, hands-on experience in a real startup! Other internship opportunities are also available.

    $$$: Learn about how you can become eligible for a $50k I-Corps grant for your startup.

    Building Your Team: Connect with like-minded students who share your passion about innovation and entrepreneurship.


    More Information: TIE INFO SESSION F2022 (1).pdf

    Location: Michelson Center for Convergent Bioscience (MCB) - 101

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: Johannah Murray/ Viterbi Office of Technology Innovation and Entrepenuership

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventCS Undergraduate Live Chat Drop-in Advisement

    Wed, Aug 31, 2022 @ 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    CS Advisors will be available on Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays this fall from 1:30pm to 2:30pm to assist undergraduates in our four majors (CSCI, CSBA, CSGA, and CECS) via Live Chat. Access the live chat through our website at https://cs.usc.edu/chat

    Location: Live Chat on Website

    Audiences: Undergrad

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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  • Repeating EventNew & Continuing MS Student Group Advising Session (CSCI/DSCI)

    Wed, Aug 31, 2022 @ 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Workshops & Infosessions

    If you are a New or Continuing MS student in the Computer Science Department or Data Science Program and have any questions or need assistance, please join us for today's optional group advising session via zoom. Access instructions will be sent to students directly. Note: D-clearance is not granted during advisement sessions. All requests for d-clearance must go through the myViterbi portal.

    Location: Zoom

    Audiences: Graduate

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Science

    This event is open to all eligible individuals. USC Viterbi operates all of its activities consistent with the University's Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.

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