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Events for September 15, 2021

  • Repeating EventKCLC Drop-In Hours

    Wed, Sep 15, 2021 @ 01:00 AM - 03:00 PM

    Information Technology Program (ITP)

    Workshops & Infosessions

    Hello Trojans!
    Are you looking for assistance on returning to campus, improving their time management skills, and alleviating stress? Please come to our workshops and Drop-in hours hosted by the USC Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity. No reservation or appointment is required for our workshops and drop-ins.

    KCLC will be hosting Drop-in Hours and Skill Building for Success Workshops on Zoom with a weekly theme of time management, reading strategies, stress management or test-taking. The workshops will be interactive with great tips and resources.

    Drop-in hours are available for undergraduate or graduate students to meet with an academic coach without needing to make a reservation. These sessions may be held in a group setting, dependent upon staffing availability and demand.

    For more information, see the attached flyers with dates, times, and Zoom links.

    If you are interested in learning more about weekly academic coaching, email us at kortschakcenter@usc.edu for additional information.

    KCLC will have more events throughout the semester, and you can check out the most up to date workshop and drop-in schedule on their website https://kortschakcenter.usc.edu/events/

    More Information: Sept 2021 drop in .pdf

    Location: Gwynn Wilson Student Union (STU) - STU 311

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

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    Contact: Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity

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  • Repeating EventSkill-Building for Success: Reading Strategies

    Wed, Sep 15, 2021 @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

    Information Technology Program (ITP)

    Workshops & Infosessions

    Hello Trojans!

    Are you looking for assistance on returning to campus, improving their time management skills, and alleviating stress? Please come to our workshops and Drop-in hours hosted by the USC Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity. No reservation or appointment is required for our workshops and drop-ins.

    KCLC will be hosting Drop-in Hours and Skill Building for Success Workshops on Zoom with a weekly theme of time management, reading strategies, stress management or test-taking. The workshops will be interactive with great tips and resources.

    This week, KCLC will be focusing on Reading Strategies, acquiring strategies for how to complete your course readings effectively and improve comprehension.

    Drop-in hours are available for undergraduate or graduate students to meet with an academic coach without needing to make a reservation. These sessions may be held in a group setting, dependent upon staffing availability and demand.

    If you are interested in learning more about weekly academic coaching, email us at kortschakcenter@usc.edu for additional information.

    KCLC will have more events throughout the semester, and you can check out the most up to date workshop and drop-in schedule on their website https://kortschakcenter.usc.edu/events/

    WebCast Link: https://usc.zoom.us/j/95019147813

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    View All Dates

    Contact: Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity

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  • Repeating EventKCLC Back to SChool Connections

    Wed, Sep 15, 2021 @ 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    Information Technology Program (ITP)

    Workshops & Infosessions

    Hello Trojans!
    Are you looking for assistance on how to best adjust to the return to campus, improve your social skills, cultivate time management skills, and alleviate stress? Come to our workshops and Drop-in hours hosted by the USC Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity.

    We are piloting a new in-person workshop series titled, -Back to SChool Connections- where you can practice communication skills that can help you succeed as a Trojan both in and out of the classroom. This workshop will require a reservation.

    For more information, see the attached flyers with dates and times. We have also attached a semester calendar and created a Student Success zip file as you prepare to start the semester.

    If you are interested in learning more about weekly academic coaching, email us at kortschakcenter@usc.edu for additional information.

    KCLC will have more events throughout the semester and you can check out the most up to date workshop and drop-in schedule on their website https://kortschakcenter.usc.edu/events/

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    View All Dates

    Contact: Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity

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  • DEN@Viterbi - Online Graduate Engineering Virtual Information Session

    Wed, Sep 15, 2021 @ 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    DEN@Viterbi, Viterbi School of Engineering Graduate Admission

    Workshops & Infosessions

    Join USC Viterbi School of Engineering for a virtual information session via WebEx, providing an introduction to DEN@Viterbi, our top ranked online delivery system. Discover the 40+ graduate engineering and computer science programs available entirely online.

    Attendees will have the opportunity to connect directly with USC Viterbi representatives during the session to discuss the admission process, program details and the benefits of online delivery.

    Register Today!

    WebCast Link: https://uscviterbi.webex.com/uscviterbi/onstage/g.php?MTID=e1e0e3789c1c92e524f21efc36993acaa

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: Corporate & Professional Programs

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  • Repeating EventKCLC Drop-In Hours

    Wed, Sep 15, 2021 @ 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM

    Information Technology Program (ITP)

    Workshops & Infosessions

    Hello Trojans!
    Are you looking for assistance on returning to campus, improving their time management skills, and alleviating stress? Please come to our workshops and Drop-in hours hosted by the USC Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity. No reservation or appointment is required for our workshops and drop-ins.

    KCLC will be hosting Drop-in Hours and Skill Building for Success Workshops on Zoom with a weekly theme of time management, reading strategies, stress management or test-taking. The workshops will be interactive with great tips and resources.

    Drop-in hours are available for undergraduate or graduate students to meet with an academic coach without needing to make a reservation. These sessions may be held in a group setting, dependent upon staffing availability and demand.

    For more information, see the attached flyers with dates, times, and Zoom links.

    If you are interested in learning more about weekly academic coaching, email us at kortschakcenter@usc.edu for additional information.

    KCLC will have more events throughout the semester, and you can check out the most up to date workshop and drop-in schedule on their website https://kortschakcenter.usc.edu/events/

    More Information: Sept 2021 drop in .pdf

    WebCast Link: https://usc.zoom.us/j/92571867937

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    View All Dates

    Contact: Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity

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  • Computer Science General Faculty Meeting

    Wed, Sep 15, 2021 @ 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Receptions & Special Events

    Bi-Weekly regular faculty meeting for invited full-time Computer Science faculty only. Event details emailed directly to attendees.

    Location: TBD

    Audiences: Invited Faculty Only

    Contact: Assistant to CS chair

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  • Repeating EventCS Undergraduate Live Chat Drop-in Advisement

    Wed, Sep 15, 2021 @ 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Student Activity

    CS Advisors will be available on Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays this fall from 1:30pm to 2:30pm to assist undergraduates in our four majors (CSCI, CSBA, CSGA, and CECS) via Live Chat. Access the live chat through our website at https://cs.usc.edu/chat

    Location: Online - Live Chat

    Audiences: Undergrad

    View All Dates

    Contact: USC Computer Sciecne

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  • AME Seminar

    Wed, Sep 15, 2021 @ 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM

    Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

    Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars

    Speaker: Tim Colonius, Caltech

    Talk Title: Simulation of bubbly, cavitating flows with application to shock- and ultrasound-based medical therapies.

    Abstract: Models and numerical methods for simulating bubbly, cavitating flows have benefitted from recent advances in sharp and diffuse interface-capturing schemes, but many challenges remain to be solved before they can be routinely used to predict the complex, multiscale flows associated with important applications in engineering and medicine. In particular, the complex phase boundary, small length scales, and fast time scales associated with the dynamics of bubbles and clouds of bubbles strain existing algorithms and computational resources. In this talk, I will review different formulations for multiphase/multicomponent flows that involve large changes in volume, including methods that explicitly resolve the material interface, and ones that model the mixture as either homogeneous, or as a dilute dispersion of spherical bubbles. These methods are demonstrated in applications involving the high-intensity ultrasound and shock waves used for medical imaging and intra- and extra-corporeal manipulation of cells, tissue, and urinary calculi. Such waves are currently used to treat kidney stone disease, plantar fasciitis, and bone nonunion, and they are being investigated as a technique to ablate cancer tumors and mediate drug delivery. In many applications, acoustic waves induce the expansion and collapse of preexisting or newly cavitating bubbles. The resulting bubble dynamics generate large, localized stresses and strains that can be beneficial or deleterious depending on how effectively they can be controlled. I will describe efforts aimed at simulating the collapse of bubbles, both individually and in clusters, in order to characterize these mechanical stresses and strains.

    Biography: Tim Colonius is the Frank and Ora Lee Marble Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the California Institute of Technology. He received his B.S. from the University of Michigan in 1987 and M.S and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University in 1988 and 1994, respectively. He and his research team use numerical simulations to study a range of problems in fluid dynamics, including aeroacoustics, flow control, instabilities, shock waves, and bubble dynamics. Prof. Colonius also investigates medical applications of ultrasound, and is a member of the Medical Engineering faculty at Caltech. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and the Acoustical Society of America, and he is Editor-in-Chief of the journal Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics. He was the recipient of the 2018 AIAA Aeroacoustics Award.

    Host: AME Department

    More Info: https://usc.zoom.us/j/97427241653?pwd=UGd2aXY2b3dsQkxMdzdvcnNBMjRJZz09

    Webcast: https://usc.zoom.us/j/97427241653?pwd=UGd2aXY2b3dsQkxMdzdvcnNBMjRJZz09

    Location: Seaver Science Library (SSL) - 202

    WebCast Link: https://usc.zoom.us/j/97427241653?pwd=UGd2aXY2b3dsQkxMdzdvcnNBMjRJZz09

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: Tessa Yao

    Event Link: https://usc.zoom.us/j/97427241653?pwd=UGd2aXY2b3dsQkxMdzdvcnNBMjRJZz09

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  • Chick-fil-A Information Session (Trojan Talk)

    Wed, Sep 15, 2021 @ 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Career Connections

    Workshops & Infosessions

    Come connect with us at Chick-Fil-A and learn about internships and career opportunities at the Chick-fil-A Corporate Support Center in Atlanta, GA!

    RSVP on Viterbi Career Gateway to attend

    Internships are available in:
    -Digital Transformations and Technologies
    -Supply Chain
    -and several other departments! We can't wait to meet you!
    -LEARN MORE: https://www.chick-fil-a.com/careers/corporate/earlytalent

    Location: Zoom

    Location: Virtual (via Zoom)

    WebCast Link: https://usc.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcsd-ivpjoiGtDfzqWQc8bvsZEir3lGnTMI

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: Viterbi Career Connections

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  • Chick-fil-A Information Session (Trojan Talk)

    Wed, Sep 15, 2021 @ 05:15 PM - 06:15 PM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Career Connections

    Workshops & Infosessions

    Come connect with us at Chick-Fil-A and learn about internships and career opportunities at the Chick-fil-A Corporate Support Center in Atlanta, GA! RSVP to attend

    Virtual Session - REGISTER ON ZOOM HERE

    Internships are available in:

    Digital Transformations and Technologies
    Supply Chain
    and several other departments! We can't wait to meet you!
    LEARN MORE: https://www.chick-fil-a.com/careers/corporate/earlytalent

    Location: Zoom

    Location: Virtual (via Zoom)

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: Viterbi Career Connections

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