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Events for November 01, 2013

  • Repeating EventCare Harbor LA Clinic

    Fri, Nov 01, 2013

    Viterbi School of Engineering Student Organizations

    Student Activity

    "For those who are looking for volunteering opportunities in the medical field, don't miss this event! Care Harbor is an event that provides screenings to thousands of underserved individuals in LA. Your will have hands on opportunities to work with patients. Please note that you must be available 20-30 minutes before the start time of your shift. If you're interested, please sign up on this google doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkKsLDcEmqB4dFAyWWVHN2hZOXhUV0Ryem5PelFaMGc#gid=0.
    To finish your registration, there are two things you need to do:
    1) Register online at the CareHarbor website using this link here: https://www.regonline.com/careharborlafreeclinic. For detailed instructions on how to register, please refer to the end of this blurb.
    2) Sign up for a MANDATORY orientation session. We will be providing training, directions on how to get to the event, and volunteer shirts at these orientation sessions. The orientation times are as follows:
    Tuesday Oct 29th: 6-7 pm in THH 217
    Wednesday Oct 30th: 6-7pm in THH 217
    Please email visionforvision@gmail.com to tell them which orientation session you will attend, and your shirt size. If you cannot make either of these orientation times, please let them know as soon as possible.
    Pick Vision Volunteer: Student. If you pick any other option, your 2 hour shift does NOT qualify
    Area of Study: Other. When asked to specify, say Undergraduate.
    School: University of Southern California
    Student Adviser: Clara Wang
    Supervisor Email: visionforvision@gmail.com
    Additional comments/requests: USC Vision for Vision Volunteer
    For the shift time, pick the day/shift under which your shift falls. You are only expected to attend the 2 hour shift you signed up for, not the entire morning/afternoon shift.
    If you have any questions, feel free to email them at visionforvision@gmail.com or call Clara at (650) 504-7591"

    Location: L.A. Sports Arena

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    View All Dates

    Contact: Associated Students of Biomedical Engineering

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  • Special NL Seminar-Jerry Hobbs :

    Fri, Nov 01, 2013 @ 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    Information Sciences Institute

    Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars

    Speaker: Jerry Hobbs , USC/ISI

    Series: Natural Language Seminar

    Abstract: This talk is the talk I gave at the ACL meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria, in August, on receiving the ACL Lifetime Achievement Award. In line with the developing tradition, it is a mixture of personal anecdotes, moments in the history of computational linguistics that I witnessed, and technical material. The last of these includes issues of representation, interpretation, and encoding commonsense knowledge.

    Biography: Dr. Jerry R. Hobbs is a prominent researcher in the fields of computational linguistics, discourse analysis, and artificial intelligence. He earned his doctor's degree from New York University in 1974 in computer science. He has taught at Yale University and the City University of New York. From 1977 to 2002 he was with the Artificial Intelligence Center at SRI International, Menlo Park, California, where he was a Principal Scientist and Program Director of the Natural Language Program. He has written numerous papers in the areas of parsing, syntax, semantic interpretation, information extraction, knowledge representation, encoding commonsense knowledge, discourse analysis, the structure of conversation, and the Semantic Web. He has done groundbreaking work in the areas of granularity, representing qualitative concepts, encoding commonsense psychology, and interpreting natural language using abduction. He is the author of the book "Literature and Cognition", and was also editor of the book "Formal Theories of the Commonsense World". He led SRI's text-understanding research, and directed the development of the abduction-based TACITUS system for text understanding, and the FASTUS system for rapid extraction of information from text based on finite-state transducers. The latter system constituted the basis for an SRI spinoff, Discern Communications. In September 2002 he took a position as research professor and ISI Fellow at the Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California, where he is now Director of the Natural Language Group. He has been a consulting professor with the Linguistics Department and the Symbolic Systems Program at Stanford University. He has served as general editor of the Ablex Series on Artificial Intelligence. He is a past president of the Association for Computational Linguistics, and is a Fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence. In January 2003 he was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Philosophy from the University of Uppsala, Sweden. In August 2013 he received the Association for Computational Linguistics Lifetime Achievement Award.

    Home Page:

    Host: Yigal Arens

    More Info: http://nlg.isi.edu/nl-seminar/

    Webcast: http://webcasterms1.isi.edu/mediasite/Viewer/?peid=03df553d72e24a42812609633886ee281d

    Location: Information Science Institute (ISI) - 11th Flr Conf Rms # 1135 & #1137, Marina Del Rey

    WebCast Link: http://webcasterms1.isi.edu/mediasite/Viewer/?peid=03df553d72e24a42812609633886ee281d

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: Peter Zamar

    Event Link: http://nlg.isi.edu/nl-seminar/

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  • Two New Approaches to Massive MIMO

    Fri, Nov 01, 2013 @ 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars

    Speaker: Ralf Mueller, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg

    Talk Title: Two New Approaches to Massive MIMO

    Abstract: Massive MIMO systems are promising for solving the wireless bottleneck. Still some fundamental issues in massive MIMO are open. In this talk two of them are addressed: 1) The channel estimation problem which is often referred to as "pilot contamination". 2) The cost scaling problem which arises from the massive use of analog hardware. Concerning 1), a system design based on power-controlled handover and non-linear channel estimation is proposed. In particular, the signal subspaces occupied by intercell and intracell users are blindly separated by means of singular value decomposition. Concerning 2), a new hardware structure to generate RF signals is proposed. This structure avoids mixers and the need for linear power amplifiers. It consists of a single RF oscillator common to all antenna elements that is driving varying imaginary impedances and makes use of the law of large numbers for impedance matching.

    Biography: Prof. Müller was born in Schwabach, Germany, 1970. He received the Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.-Ing. degree with distinction from the Friedrich-Alexander-University (FAU) Erlangen-Nuremberg in 1996 and 1999, respectively. From 2000 to 2004, he directed a research group at Vienna Telecommunications Research Center in Vienna, Austria and taught as an adjunct professor at Vienna University of Technology. In 2005, he was appointment full professor at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway. In 2013, he joined the Institute for Digital Communications at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg in Erlangen, Germany. He held visiting appointments at Princeton University, US, Institute Eurecom, France, University of Melbourne, Australia, University of Oulu, Finland, National University of Singapore, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Kyoto University, Japan, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, and Munich University of Technology.

    Prof. Müller received the Leonard G. Abraham Prize (jointly with Sergio Verdú) for the paper "Design and analysis of low-complexity interference mitigation on vector channels'' from the IEEE Communications Society. He was presented awards for his dissertation "Power and bandwidth efficiency of multiuser systems with random spreading'' by the Vodafone Foundation for Mobile Communications and the German Information Technology Society (ITG). Moreover, he received the ITG award for the paper "A random matrix model for communication via antenna arrays,'' as well as the Philipp-Reis Award (jointly with Robert Fischer). Prof. Müller served as an associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory from 2003 to 2006

    Host: Giuseppe Caire, caire@usc.edu, EEB 540, x04683

    Location: Hughes Aircraft Electrical Engineering Center (EEB) - 248

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: Gerrielyn Ramos

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  • CS Colloquium - Mahendra Shrestha: Wildlife Crime – Threat to Survival of Endangered Species

    Fri, Nov 01, 2013 @ 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars

    Speaker: Dr. Mahendra Shrestha, Government of Nepal

    Talk Title: Wildlife Crime – Threat to Survival of Endangered Species

    Series: CS Colloquium

    Abstract: Many rare and endangered species in the wild are at the brink of extinction due to escalated poaching pressure driven by persistent international market demand representing an international crisis. Conservation area management teams on the ground are fighting a war against the relentless threat from poaching with very limited resources putting their own lives at risk. Poaching is no more committed by poor farmers opportunistically to sustain their livelihood. It has expanded to a well-organized business undertaken by transnational criminal syndicates. This transnational wildlife crime generating billions of dollars in illicit revenues pose risk to national and international securities as well as risk of spread of emerging infectious diseases. Most of the reserves, the source of such crime, are quite often limited with low number of frontline staff, their capacity, equipment, and organizational structure. In contrary, the criminals are far ahead on every one of these - they are well equipped with full financial back up and well organized with a good network of trans-national criminal network. This low risk high gain business is attracting international criminals. Continuous decline in population of wildlife species such as tiger, elephants, rhino, apes, and many others clearly indicates that the existing efforts and strategy against wildlife crime is not working well. This generation will witness permanent disappearance of many species from the face of this earth if the management and enforcement strategy is not improved using latest tools and technology and strong commitment from the world leaders. Capacity building of front line conservation practitioners and enforcement agencies on strategic use of available limited resources in making the law enforcement interventions effective in deterring criminals is essential.

    Teamcore is pleased to host this upcoming seminar featuring Dr. Mahendra Shrestha. Seminar details are below. Please RSVP by emailing Benjamin Ford at benjamif@usc.edu.

    If you would like to meet with Dr. Shrestha, please email Benjamin Ford at benjamif@usc.edu by October 29.

    Biography: Mahendra Shrestha has more than 15 years of experience in reserve management and conservation policy making for the Government of Nepal. His PhD research on the Terai Arc Landscape for Tiger Conservation revealed useful information to facilitate the policy decision by the Government of Nepal on the conservation of a landscape extending more than 50,000 sq km in India and Nepal encompassing 12 protected areas. His support and local leadership development has resulted into establishment of new protected areas and restoration of connectivity in this landscape. He works closely with governments and NGOs in 13 tiger range countries in Asia to enhance reserve management for population recovery of wildlife species and local leadership development. He has played an important role in engaging the World Bank to launch the Global Tiger Initiative leading to the Tiger Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia in 2010 that helped build the necessary commitment from the political leaders as well as from the conservation community for tiger conservation. He had led the Save The Tiger Fund program of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation in Washington, DC to support tiger conservation projects in tiger range countries in the past. Currently, he heads the Tiger Conservation Partnership program at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Washington, DC. His program is focused on capacity building in reserve management, institutional capacity building and leadership development.

    Host: Milind Tambe

    Location: Hedco Neurosciences Building (HNB) - 100

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: Assistant to CS chair

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  • Fall 2013 Academic Mentoring Panel Series,

    Fall 2013 Academic Mentoring Panel Series,

    Fri, Nov 01, 2013 @ 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Doctoral Programs, Viterbi School of Engineering Student Affairs

    Workshops & Infosessions

    The Viterbi School of Engineering initiated an Academic Career Mentoring Panel Series to encourage Ph.D. students and postdocs to pursue a rewarding career in academia and research. Distinguished faculty will discuss their academic paths and offer strategic advice and answer your questions.

    Engineering Ph.D. students and postdocs from all areas and departments are strongly encouraged to attend.

    Registration required.

    - See more at: http://gapp.usc.edu/academic-career-mentoring-panel-series#sthash.xn2uOIDi.dpuf

    Location: Henry Salvatori Computer Science Center (SAL) - 101

    Audiences: Ph.D. and Postdoctoral

    Contact: Tracy Charles

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  • The W.V.T. Rusch Engineering Honors Colloquium

    Fri, Nov 01, 2013 @ 01:00 PM - 01:50 PM

    USC Viterbi School of Engineering, Viterbi School of Engineering Student Affairs

    Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars

    Speaker: Prof. Kenneth Nealson, Wrigley Professor of Environmental Science, USC Department of Earth Sciences

    Talk Title: Searching for Intra-Terrestrials: Life in the Subsurface

    Host: W.V.T. Rusch Engineering Honors Program

    Location: Seeley G. Mudd Building (SGM) - 101

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: Christine Viterbi Admission & Student Affairs

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  • NL Seminar- Greg Ver Steeg:

    Fri, Nov 01, 2013 @ 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM

    Information Sciences Institute

    Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars

    Speaker: Greg Ver Steeg, USC/ISI

    Series: Natural Language Seminar

    Abstract: Because natural language is complex, researchers in many domains look for lower-dimensional representations of text to suit their purposes. Different methods attempt to single out intuitive aspects of language like content, sentiment, or style. I will discuss a new, unsupervised approach to learning abstract representations of text (or other high-dimensional signals). The motivating principle is to use information theory to construct higher-order features that explain correlations between lower-order features. I will present preliminary results using this framework.

    Biography: Greg Ver Steeg is a research professor at ISI. His research explores practical methods for inferring meaningful structure in complex systems like social networks. He did his PhD in quantum physics at Caltech.

    Home Page:

    Host: Yang Gao

    More Info: http://nlg.isi.edu/nl-seminar/

    Location: Information Science Institute (ISI) - 11th Flr Conf Rm # 1135, Marina Del Rey

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: Peter Zamar

    Event Link: http://nlg.isi.edu/nl-seminar/

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  • Integrated Systems Seminar Series

    Fri, Nov 01, 2013 @ 03:30 PM - 05:00 PM

    Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars

    Speaker: Prof. Harish Krishnaswamy, Columbia University

    Talk Title: Power Generation in CMOS from RF to THz: A Spectrum of Challenges and Opportunities

    Series: Integrated Systems Seminar Series

    Abstract: Technology scaling has enabled CMOS to serve as a platform for the implementation of a wide range of wireless systems operating from radio frequencies to terahertz. However, while we have seen steady (actually, somewhat slowing) increases in speed with technology scaling, this has been accompanied by the inevitable shrinking of supply and breakdown voltages. Consequently, power generation in CMOS is plagued by fundamental trade-offs between output power, efficiency, fidelity and operating frequency. The RF, millimeter-wave and terahertz frequency ranges represent different points in this multi-dimensional trade-off, but each is faced with fundamental challenges dictated by application requirements.

    mmWave power amplifiers have traditionally been limited to output power levels that are lower than 100mW and efficiencies lower than 20% due to the need to use scaled technologies with low supply voltages of around 1V. In this presentation, I will describe techniques developed at Columbia University, including device stacking, switch-mode operation at mmWave and low-loss on-chip power combining, that have enabled the first watt-class mmWave PA in CMOS.

    At RF frequencies, speed can be traded-off for output power and consequently, watt-level output power is relatively straightforward. However, precision and signal fidelity, manifested as out-of-band emissions, are fundamental challenges, particularly for reconfigurable radios with reduced front-end filtering. This presentation will cover techniques recently developed at Columbia for receiver-band noise filtering in watt-level "digital PAs" and active cancellation of transmitter leakage and noise in reconfigurable receivers. These techniques enable frequency-division-duplexing in reconfigurable radios with relaxed transmitter-receiver isolation.

    Finally, terahertz frequencies lie beyond the maximum operating frequencies of today's CMOS devices. I will briefly touch upon techniques that leverage device non-linearity to enable terahertz signal generation in CMOS in the milliwatt power envelope.

    Biography: Harish Krishnaswamy received the B.Tech. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology-Madras, India, in 2001, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California (USC) in 2003 and 2009, respectively. He joined the EE department of Columbia University as an Assistant Professor in 2009. His research group at Columbia, funded by various federal agencies, including NSF and DARPA, and industry, focuses on various topics related to devices, circuits and systems for wireless communication, radar, imaging and sensing in the RF, millimeter-wave and terahertz frequency ranges. He received the IEEE International Solid State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) Lewis Winner Award for Outstanding Paper in 2007. He also received the Best Thesis in Experimental Research Award from the USC Viterbi School of Engineering in 2009, and the DARPA Young Faculty Award in 2011

    Host: Hossien Hashemi, Mike Chen, Mahta Moghaddam, Kunal Datta

    More Info: http://mhi.usc.edu/activities/integrated-systems/

    More Information: Harish Krishnaswamy_Flyer.pdf

    Location: Hughes Aircraft Electrical Engineering Center (EEB) - EEB 248

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: Danielle Hamra

    Event Link: http://mhi.usc.edu/activities/integrated-systems/

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  • CEE Ph.D. Seminar

    Fri, Nov 01, 2013 @ 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

    Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

    Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars

    Speaker: Dongbin Wang and Thang Le, CEE Ph.D. Candidates


    Abstract: Presentation by: Thang Le

    The model studied presents a logical extension of the shear wall with circular rigid foundation fixed firmly in an isotropic homogeneous and elastic half-space considered only for vertical-incidence SH waves by J.E. Luco (1969) and then formulated to any angle of the incidence SH waves by M.D Trifunac (1972). A new approach and model is developed to solve for rigid foundation using big arc approximation which can be extended to solve for flexible or semi-rigid foundation. The analytical expression of the soil-structure interaction of a tapered shear wall (structure) and an isotropic homogeneous and elastic half-space is obtained. Results of the numerical analysis are then compared with Trifunac (1972).

    4:00PM - 4:20PM (10 minutes for questions) - Dongbin Wang 4:30PM - 4:50PM (10 minutes for questions) - Thang Le

    Location: John Stauffer Science Lecture Hall (SLH) - 102

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: Evangeline Reyes

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