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Events for November 13, 2014

  • Repeating EventSWE Starts With Me!

    Thu, Nov 13, 2014

    Viterbi School of Engineering Student Organizations

    University Calendar

    SWE would like to cordially invite you to participate in our first annual SWE Starts With Me this November!

    1. Bring a friend to a SWE event!
    2. Invite your friend to be a SWE member!
    3. Once they become a member, complete this form.
    4. Both you and your friend are entered into our Grand SWE Raffle!
    5. The more friends you convert, the more times your name is entered into the Grand SWE Raffle!

    The Grand Prize of the Growing the Community Contest will be a FREE trip to SWE's Regional Conference next Spring - including access to an exclusive Career Fair and career development workshops. Other raffle prizes include: Gift Cards, SWE swag and Company Swag!

    Any member that successfully grows the Community by 10 members will AUTOMATICALLY receive a FREE trip to the Regional Conference

    Become a member of SWE!

    Want to become a National member of SWE? If you are a member, you will be able to attend all of our chapter's huge networking events (Professional Development Night, Fall Evening with Industry), our Membership Appreciation Days and Members Retreat in addition to getting the National benefits (applying for scholarships, and attending Regional and National Conference.) If you are interested, please sign up for the SWE National Membership (USC Chapter) online at http://societyofwomenengineers.swe.org/index.php/membership and then send a copy of your membership receipt to Maisie Gwynne at mgwynne@usc.edu.

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    View All Dates

    Contact: Society of Women Engineers Society of Women Engineers

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  • DEN@Viterbi Information Session: Manhattan Beach, CA

    Thu, Nov 13, 2014 @ 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM

    DEN@Viterbi, Executive Education, Viterbi School of Engineering Graduate Admission

    Workshops & Infosessions

    The USC Viterbi School of Engineering will be hosting a DEN@Viterbi Information Session in Manhattan Beach, CA on Thursday, November 13th.

    Why Attend?

    - Discover the 40+ graduate programs offered completely online through USC Viterbi’s Distance Education Network [DEN@Viterbi]

    - Learn about non-degree continuing education opportunities offered on-campus, online and on-site, including short courses and custom programs

    - Find out how you can start classes as early as this spring


    For questions on this event or DEN@Viterbi, please contact DEN@Viterbi.usc.edu.

    Location: Tiin Roof Bistro

    Audiences: RSVP Required

    Contact: Viterbi Corporate & Professional Programs

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  • CS Colloquium: Sergey Levine (UC Berkeley) - Learning to Move: Machine Learning for Robotics and Animation

    Thu, Nov 13, 2014 @ 03:30 PM - 05:00 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars

    Speaker: Sergey Levine , UC Berkeley

    Talk Title: Learning to Move: Machine Learning for Robotics and Animation

    Series: CS Colloquium

    Abstract: Being able to acquire new motion skills autonomously could help robots build rich motion repertoires suitable for tackling complex, varied environments. I will discuss my work on motion skill learning for robotics, including methods for learning from demonstration and reinforcement learning. In particular, I will describe a class of "guided" policy search algorithms, which combine reinforcement learning and learning from demonstration to acquire multiple simple, trajectory-centric policies, with a supervised learning phase to obtain a single complex, high-dimensional policy that can then generalize to new situations. I will show applications of this method to simulated bipedal locomotion, as well as a range of robotic manipulation tasks, including putting together two parts of a plastic toy and screwing bottle caps onto bottles. I will also discuss how such techniques can be applied to character animation in computer graphics, and how this field can inform research in robotics.

    Biography: Sergey Levine is a postdoctoral researcher working with Professor Pieter Abbeel at the University of California at Berkeley. He previously completed his PhD with Professor Vladlen Koltun at Stanford University. His research areas include robotics, reinforcement learning and optimal control, machine learning, and computer graphics. His work includes the development of new algorithms for learning motor skills, methods for learning behaviors from human demonstration, and applications in robotics and computer graphics, ranging from robotic manipulation to animation of martial arts and conversational hand gestures.

    Host: Fei Sha

    Location: Henry Salvatori Computer Science Center (SAL) - 101

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: Assistant to CS chair

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  • Computer Science Doctoral Program Information Session

    Thu, Nov 13, 2014 @ 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Graduate Admission

    Workshops & Infosessions

    The USC Viterbi School of Engineering, a top ranked graduate engineering program by U.S News and World Report, will host an information session and Q&A for prospective doctoral students interested in Computer Science. The host of this session is Gaurav Sukhatme, the Chair of USC’s Department of Computer Science. Learn more about the exciting research in this area, and requirements for applying for doctoral programs.

    Register to attend

    Location: ONLINE EVENT

    Audiences: Students with a background in engineering, math or science are welcome to attend.

    Contact: Laura Hartman

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  • CANCELLED- Microsoft Corporation Information Session

    Thu, Nov 13, 2014 @ 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Career Connections

    Workshops & Infosessions

    This Session has been cancelled

    Location: Seeley G. Mudd Building (SGM) -

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: RTH 218 Viterbi Career Services

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  • USC Graduate Engineering Information Session: Liverpool

    Thu, Nov 13, 2014 @ 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

    Viterbi School of Engineering Graduate Admission

    Workshops & Infosessions

    Students who have earned or are in the progress of earning a Bachelor's degree in engineering, math, or a hard science (such as physics, biology, or chemistry) are welcome to attend to learn more about applying to the top ranked graduate engineering programs at the University of Southern California.

    The information session will include a presentation on: Master's & Ph.D. programs available at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, how to apply, scholarships, student life, and more. Students will also have the chance to ask questions and receive official brochures and handout information from USC.

    More information and register to attend

    Location: Hope Street Hotel, Liverpool

    Audiences: Students with a background in engineering, math or science are welcome to attend.

    Contact: Laura Hartman

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