Viterbi Student Affairs Open House
Fri, Sep 06, 2013 @ 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Viterbi School of Engineering Student Affairs
Receptions & Special Events
Come learn about the many resources Viterbi offers for students, including the VARC, CED, WIE, VCS, PDP, and more! Don't know what those acronyms mean? Then you should definitely stop by!
All Viterbi Student Affairs offices will have their doors wide open so you can check out where their offices are and ask any questions you might have.
Come to the RTH lobby to pick up your Viterbi Scavenger Hunt and a ticket for some 21 Choices frozen yogurt (for the first 200 students). Complete your scavenger hunt for a chance to win some free Viterbi Swag and visit every Viterbi office for frozen yogurt toppings!
Plus, all the First Year Excellence Advisors will be on hand! Stop by your First Year Exellence Advisor’s table for a BONUS entry into the swag give away.Location: Ronald Tutor Hall of Engineering (RTH) - RTH Lobby
Audiences: Undergrad
Contact: Steve Wolfsohn