NL Seminar -Effective, Explainable, and Equitable NLP with World Knowledge and Interactions
Thu, Nov 10, 2022 @ 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Information Sciences Institute
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Bodhi Prasad Majumder, UCSD
Talk Title: Effective, Explainable, and Equitable NLP with World Knowledge and Interactions
Series: NL Seminar
Abstract: REMINDER
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Artificial intelligence AI has shown remarkable effectiveness in knowledge seeking applications e.g., for recommendations and explanations. However, the increasing expectation of more trust, accessibility, and anthropomorphism in these AI systems requires the underlying components dialog models, LLMs, classifiers to be adaptive and adequately knowledge grounded. In reality, the outputs of the constituent models often lack commonsense, explanations, and subjectivity a long standing goal of artificial general intelligence.
In this talk, I aim to address this gap through the concept of interactive explainability, realized via three pillars knowledge, explanations, and interactions. First, I will explore the post-hoc methods to effectively inject relevant and diverse knowledge into an existing dialog model without additional training. Second, I will investigate the role of background knowledge in model reasoning, prediction, and faithfully constructing natural language explanations. Third, I will propose an interactive approach to address fairness and subjectivity in bias mitigation via feature level user interventions. Finally, I will hint at future possibilities and societal impacts of next-generation explainable interactive systems.
Biography: Bodhi Prasad Majumder is a final year PhD student at CSE, UC San Diego, advised by Prof. Julian McAuley. His research goal is to build interactive machines capable of producing knowledge grounded explanations. He previously spent time at the Allen Institute of AI, Google AI, Microsoft Research, and FAIR Meta AI, along with collaborations from U of Oxford, U of British Columbia, and the Alan Turing Institute.
His work has been recognized by the UCSD CSE Doctoral Award for Research, Adobe Research Fellowship, Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship, and Highlights of ACM Rec Sys, among many awards and several media coverages. In 2019, Bodhi led UCSD in the finals of the Amazon Alexa Prize. He also co authored a best selling NLP book with O Reilly Media that is being adopted in universities internationally.
Host: Jon May and Meryem Mhamdi
More Info: https://nlg.isi.edu/nl-seminar/
Webcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Mva6sQgjuwLocation: Information Science Institute (ISI) - Virtual and ISI-Conf Rm#689
WebCast Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Mva6sQgjuw
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Pete Zamar
Event Link: https://nlg.isi.edu/nl-seminar/