PhD Thesis Defense - Leili Tavabi
Wed, May 03, 2023 @ 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science
University Calendar
PhD Thesis Defense - Leili Tavabi
Committee Members: Mohammad Soleymani (Chair), Maja Mataric, Shrikanth Narayanan, Stefan Scherer
Title: Computational Modeling of Mental Health Therapy Sessions
Abstract: Despite the growing prevalence of mental health disorders, there is a large gap between the needs and available resources for diagnosis and treatment. The recent advancements in machine learning and deep learning provide an opportunity for developing AI assisted assessment of therapy sessions through automated behavior analysis. In this dissertation, I present multiple approaches for modeling and analyzing client therapist dialogue from real world Motivational Interviews toward efficient and systematic assessment of the sessions. I present models for automatic recognition of client intent on a local utterance level, and quality metrics like therapist empathy at the global session level. I further explore the association of in session behaviors with subsequent outcomes, and provide interpretable insights on psychologically relevant features associated with the modeled constructs
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Melissa Ochoa
Event Link: https://usc.zoom.us/j/96609451060?pwd=YnhUOWxjY0ZCaWFadkR4S2srNmZKZz09