Analysis of Future Network Architectures
Fri, Nov 08, 2013 @ 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Hamid Sadjadpour, UC Santa Cruz
Talk Title: Analysis of Future Network Architectures
Abstract: Future network architectures are being developed based on two main pillars. Software defined network (SDN) is the first effort to separate the network into two control and forwarding planes. The second main attempt is related to shifting from a host-centric paradigm to a content-centric approach. This new architecture is called information-centric network (ICN) where contents are accessed based on their names, and independently of the location of the hosts.
In this talk, we focus on information-theoretic analysis of these architectures. We show the throughput capacity of an information-centric network when the data cached in each node has a limited lifetime. The results show that with some fixed request and cache expiration rates, the network can have the maximum throughput order in cases of grid and random networks. Comparing these values with the corresponding throughput with no cache capability, we can actually quantify the asymptotic advantage of caching.
For SDN networks, we study some fundamental properties of the interface between control and forwarding planes, specifically in case of content routing. We evaluate the traffic between the two planes based on allowing a minimum level of acceptable distortion in the network state representation in the control plane. We apply our framework to content distribution, and show how we can compute the overhead of maintaining the location of content in the control plane. We identify scenarios where the cost of updating the control plane for content routing overwhelms the benefit of fetching the nearest copy. We also show how to minimize the cost of this overhead when associating costs to peering traffic and to internal traffic for operator-driven CDNs.
Biography: Hamid Sadjadpour received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Iran in 1986 and 1988 respectively. He received his Ph.D. from USC in 1996. After graduation, he worked at AT&T Shannon Lab. until 2001. In 2001, he joined University of California, Santa Cruz where he is currently a Professor in the Electrical Engineering department.
Host: Michael Neely, mjneely@usc.edu, EEB 520, x03505
Location: Hughes Aircraft Electrical Engineering Center (EEB) - 248
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Gerrielyn Ramos