MFD Distinguished Lecture Series: Dr. Gennady Gor
Tue, Sep 17, 2024 @ 04:00 PM - 05:20 PM
Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Dr. Gennady Gor, Associate Professor, Chemical and Materials Engineering. New Jersey Institute of Technology
Talk Title: Elasticity of Fluids in Nanopores: Molecular Modeling and Ultrasonic Experiments
Series: Mork Family Department Distinguished Lecture Series
Abstract: Fluids confined in nanopores are ubiquitous in nature and technology. In recent years, the interest in confined fluids hasgrown, driven by research on unconventional hydrocarbon resources -- shale gas and shale oil, much of which areconfined in nanopores. When fluids are confined in nanopores, many of their properties differ from those of the samefluid in the bulk. These properties include density, freezing point, transport coefficients, thermal expansion coefficient,and, as it was shown recently, elastic properties.
The elastic modulus of a fluid confined in the pores contribute to the overall elasticity of the fluid-saturated porousmedium and determine the speed at which elastic waves traverse through the medium. In this talk I will show howelastic modulus of a confined fluid in a nanopore can be calculated based on Monte Carlo and molecular dynamicssimulations and illustrate it with calculations for various fluids. Additionally, I will present our recent experimentalmeasurements of elastic properties of water confined in nanoporous glass samples. Our results suggest that some of themodels widely used for describing elasticity of fluid-saturated porous solids need to be revised.
Biography: Dr. Gennady Gor is an associate professor at NJIT. He received a PhD in theoretical physics from St. PetersburgUniversity, Russia, in 2009. He continued his research in the United States, first at Rutgers University, and then atPrinceton University and Naval Research Laboratory. In 2016, he joined the faculty of NJIT.
The central focus of Dr. Gor's research is in interactions of fluids with porous materials. He is an expert in molecularmodeling of fluid adsorption, known for his contributions to modern methods of adsorption porosimetry and thedevelopment of the theory of adsorption-induced deformation. His current research interests include confined liquidsand electrolytes, atmospheric aerosols, lithium-ion batteries, and ultrasound propagation in porous media. Dr. Gorauthored more than 70 peer-reviewed publications and is the recipient of the National Research Council Associateship(2014) and the NSF CAREER Award (2020)
Host: Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
More Information: 9_17 Gennady Gor Abstract.pdf
Location: James H. Zumberge Hall Of Science (ZHS) - 352
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: William Wences