Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Seminar Series
Wed, Sep 17, 2014 @ 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Igor V. Adamovich, Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Talk Title: Diagnostics and Modeling of Plasma Assisted Combustion Kinetics
Abstract: Recent experimental studies of repetitive nanosecond pulse discharges demonstrate their significant potential for plasma assisted ignition and combustion. The main advantage of using these discharges for ignition is efficient generation of electronically excited and radical species, such as O and H atoms, as well as OH. In recent experiments, time-resolved temperature, N2 vibrational level populations, absolute O, H, and OH number densities, and ignition delay time are measured in premixed hydrocarbon-air, hydrogen-air, and hydrogen-oxygen-argon flows excited by repetitive nanosecond pulse discharges in plane-to-plane and point-to-point geometries. Time-resolved temperature and OH number density in lean H2-air, CH4-air, C2H4-air, and C3H8-air mixtures are measured by picosecond, broadband Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS) and by OH Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF). Time-resolved, spatially resolved temperature and absolute number densities of OH and H in Ar-O2-H2 mixtures are measured by UV Rayleigh scattering, LIF, and Two-Photon Absorption LIF (TALIF), respectively. The results demonstrate that ignition occurs due to efficient generation of radical species in the discharge, and provide insight into the kinetic mechanism of low-temperature plasma assisted ignition. Time-resolved electron density, electron temperature, and electric filed in transient nanosecond pulse discharges are measured by Thomson scattering and psec CARS / 4-wave mixing. The results are compared with kinetic modeling calculations, showing the need for development of an accurate, predictive low-temperature plasma / fuel chemistry model applicable to fuels C3 and higher.
Biography: Igor V. Adamovich
2009-current: Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Ohio State
2001-2009: Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Aviation, Ohio State
2000-2001: Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ohio State
1994-2000: Research Scientist, Post-Doctoral Researcher, Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics Laboratories, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ohio State
1991-1993: Graduate Research Assistant, Molecular Energy Transfer Laboratory, Chemical Physics Program and Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ohio State
1987-1991: Research Associate, Aerothermodynamics Laboratory, A.V. Lykov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of Soviet Academy of Sciences, Minsk, USSR
Ph.D., Chemical Physics, 1993, Ohio State
M.S., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 1987, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Research Interests:
Kinetics of gases and plasmas at extreme thermodynamic disequilibrium, sustaining and stability control of high-pressure weakly ionized plasmas, high-speed flow control by plasmas, nonequilibrium MHD flows, plasma assisted combustion, molecular energy transfer processes, electron and ion kinetics, chemical reactions among excited species
Over 100 archival journal papers and book sections, over 250 refereed conference papers, over 50 invited lectures and seminars, 2 patents
Host: Professor Paul Ronney
Location: Seaver Science Library (SSL) - 150
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Valerie Childress
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