ASBME Big/Little Meet n' Mingle
Fri, Oct 10, 2014 @ 04:45 PM - 06:30 PM
Viterbi School of Engineering Student Organizations
Student Activity
Want to be a Little or a Big? Like what you saw at the Mentoring Preview Night? If so, or even if you didn't get a chance to make it, this is the first official event of the Big/Little program. We'll be having Chick-Fil-A across the way at the Rose Garden while playing some games and beginning to match you with a Big or Little. We're meeting by Tire Biter at 4:45 then walking over together at 5. This event is mandatory for anyone who wants to be a part of the program. If you have a conflict but would still like to be paired up as a Big or Little, please email asbme.mentoring@gmail.com.
Location: Rose Garden
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited