Sensor for Power, Energy, Environment and Engineering
Fri, Mar 04, 2005 @ 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Dr. Sheng Wu
Pasadena, CAAbstract:
We present the research and development on sensors for Power, Energy, Environment and Engineering that we are carrying out at PEER Caltech.These sensors are based on light-matter elastic (Mie scattering, Optical Coherence Tomography/OCT) and inelastic (absorption, RAMAN, Laser Induced Fluorescence/LIF) interactions, and on gas adsorption/desorption processes. Major projects include multiwavelength laser scattering and FM LIDAR for CO2 and other gases, high power tunable lasers and drift-free carbon polymer sensors based on MEMS technology. Sensors and techniques developed are applied to gas/petroleum transportation and refinery, biological science and engineering.For light scattering, we will present the advantages for multi-wavelengths light scattering scheme, including light scattering principles, current particulate matters (PM) measuring instruments and multi-wavelengths scattering. We will discuss the importance of PM in air pollution control and atmospheric chemistry.For FM (frequency modulation) LIDAR, we will present a cost effective way to monitor ambient CO2 concentration changes over a several square kilometers and the application in carbon sequestration. We will start with the principles of FM absorption spectroscopy and LIDAR over long ranges and end will discussion on other applications of such FM LIDAR technique, including gas pipe safety and other toxic gas emissions.For drift-free carbon polymer sensors, we will talk about the principles of such adsorption sensors, problems and solutions to improve the performances of such sensors. We will discuss the possible applications of such sensors for petroleum transportation and refineries.Location: Kaprielian Hall (KAP) - 156
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Evangeline Reyes
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