The Best of Both Worlds: Social Agents that Leverage Feelings of Rapport and Anonymity
Mon, Oct 29, 2018 @ 05:00 PM - 06:30 PM
Viterbi School of Engineering Student Organizations
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Gale M. Lucas, Research Assistant Professor at USC's ICT
Talk Title: The Best of Both Worlds: Social Agents that Leverage Feelings of Rapport and Anonymity
Series: AAAI@USC Lecture Series
Abstract: This talk presents research comparing social agents to both non-social machines and humans. Social agents have the potential to build rapport like humans (which non-social machines cannot do), but do so while assuring anonymity (which humans cannot do). In this way, they may offer the "best of both worlds" in terms of encouraging users to share personal information and disclose honestly, as well as feel comfortable in situations where they would otherwise be afraid of being negatively evaluated. This has implications for user design and offers possibilities for future research.
Biography: Gale M. Lucas is a Research Assistant Professor at University of Southern California's Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT). After earning her PhD from Northwestern University, she completed her post-doctoral work at ICT, where she established a research program in the areas of Affective Computing and Human-Computer Interaction. Her line of work in affective and personality computing focuses on models predicting mental health, perceptions of trust and emotion in real-world situations. Her work in HCI is centered around understanding how various social factors affect trust in agents and robots.
RSVP: https://goo.gl/forms/uLy23v8sHqz9ZRj72
Host: AAAI at USC
More Info: https://goo.gl/forms/uLy23v8sHqz9ZRj72
Location: John Stauffer Science Lecture Hall (SLH) - 200
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: AAAI at USC
Event Link: https://goo.gl/forms/uLy23v8sHqz9ZRj72