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  • CS Colloq: Dr. David Lomet

    Tue, Oct 27, 2009 @ 04:00 PM - 05:50 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars

    Title: Deuteronomy - Rethinking Database Kernel ArchitecturesHost: Prof. Shahram GhandeharizadehAbstract: Traditionally, a DBMS kernel has recovery, concurrency control and access method
    code tightly bound together. In the Deuteronomy project we factor the kernel into a transactional component (TC) that knows about transactions and their "logical" concurrency control and undo/redo recovery, and a data component (DC) that knows about the access methods and supports a record-oriented interface with atomic operations.
    The interaction of the resulting components is governed by a contract or covenant. This talk will describe the Deuteronomy kernel architecture as well as how logical locking works when a DBMS kernel is split in this manner.Bio:
    David Lomet has been a principal researcher managing the Microsoft Research Database Group at Microsoft Research since 1995. Earlier, he spent seven and a half years at Digital Equipment Corporation. He has been at IBM Research in Yorktown and a Professor at Wang Institute. Dr. Lomet spent a sabbatical at University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne working with Brian Randell. He has a Computer Science Ph.D from the University of Pennsylvania.Dr. Lomet has done research and product development in architecture, programming languages, and distributed systems. His primary interest is database systems, focusing on access methods, concurrency control, and recovery. He is one of the inventors of the transaction concept and is an author of over 90 papers and 40 patents. Two papers won SIGMOD "best paper" awards. Dr. Lomet has served on program committees, including SIGMOD, PODS, VLDB, and ICDE. He was ICDE'2000 PC co-chair and VLDB 2006 PC core chair. He is a member of the ICDE Steering Committee and VLDB Board. He is editor-in-chief of the Data Engineering Bulletin since 1992 and past editor of ACM TODS and the VLDB Journal. Dr. Lomet is IEEE Golden Core Member and received IEEE Outstanding Contribution and Meritorious Service Awards. Dr. Lomet is both ACM Fellow and IEEE Fellow.

    Location: Seaver Science Library (SSL) - 150

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: CS Front Desk

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