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  • CS Colloquium: Harold Soh (National University of Singapore) - Trust, Talk, and Touch for Human-Robot Interaction

    Tue, Oct 19, 2021 @ 03:30 PM - 04:50 PM

    Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

    Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars

    Speaker: Harold Soh, National University of Singapore

    Talk Title: Trust, Talk, and Touch for Human-Robot Interaction

    Series: Computer Science Colloquium

    Abstract: In this talk, I will present three topics we've been exploring in my lab that bring us towards collaborative robots we trust. Specifically, I will discuss (1) how human trust in a robot transfers across tasks (and methods for modeling this phenomena), (2) how we can use deep self-models for human-robot communication, and if time permits, (3) how robots can extend their tactile perception for physical HRI. A common thread that runs through the topics is that using specified or learned structure can significantly improve sample efficiency. Data can be scarce in robotics and we will end the talk by briefly discussing open problems at the intersection of machine learning and HRI.

    Register in advance for this webinar at:

    After registering, attendees will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

    This lecture satisfies requirements for CSCI 591: Research Colloquium.

    Biography: Harold Soh is Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the National University of Singapore (NUS), where he directs the Collaborative Learning and Adaptive Robots (CLeAR) group. Harold completed his Ph.D. at Imperial College London with Yiannis Demiris on online learning for assistive robots.

    Harold's current research focuses on machine learning and decision-making for trustworthy collaborative robots. His work spans cognitive modeling (specifically human-robot trust) to physical systems (tactile intelligence with novel e-skins), and has been recognized with best paper award nominations at RSS, HRI, and IROS. Harold has served on the HRI committee as LBR Co-Chair (2019) and on the Technical Advances PC as a member (2020) and Chair (2021). He is an Associate Editor of the ACM Transactions on Human Robot Interaction (2021). He serves as PC member / reviewer for the top publication venues in AI (NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, AAAI) and robotics (ICRA, IROS, RSS, HRI).

    Host: Stefanos Nikolaidis

    Webcast: https://usc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0MjiSeXvR2-1FfxN0Bq7vg

    Location: Online Zoom Webinar

    WebCast Link: https://usc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0MjiSeXvR2-1FfxN0Bq7vg

    Audiences: Everyone Is Invited

    Contact: Computer Science Department

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