ASBME Big E/Smalls Week: You, Your Sib, and Yogurtland!!
Wed, Oct 13, 2010 @ 07:45 PM - 08:45 PM
Viterbi School of Engineering Student Organizations
Student Activity
Take a break from studying and come get to know other BME students, socialize, and have yogurt on us!!
On October 13th ASBME will host Yogurtland BigE/Smalls Pairing--Find out who your Big/Small is! 7:45-8:45PM at Yogurtland. Come see us after attending VINE!
To RSVP: Please fill out this form (https://spreadsheets0.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dE5qaGNzdmZ0Skw4cWxzcWJXM3d4U0E6MQ#gid=0) whether or not you can attend all the events.Location: The new Yogurtland on Figueroa
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited