ASBME General Meeting 1: Welcome Back Meeting
Wed, Aug 31, 2011 @ 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM
Viterbi School of Engineering Student Organizations
Student Activity
Join ASBME on Wednesday, August 31st for our introductory meeting. We will present our new agenda for the upcoming year, explain the format and workings of the organization as well as showcase the upcoming highlights of the semester.
This meeting is especially important for Freshman who are interested in running for the Freshman Representative position on our Executive Board! Please join us on August 31st for further details on how to apply for the position.
Additionally, key BME staff inclding Mischal Diasanta, Chris Noll, and Julie Phaneuf will be speaking to us about the BME Department at USC. This will be a great opportunity to introduce yourselves to the people that will play a very important role in your upcoming years with Viterbi! We will also be talking about the BMES National Conference, ASBMEntors, BMEStart@USC, including project guidelines, the meeting times for the semester, and preparations for the first team meeting.Location: Ronald Tutor Campus Center (TCC) - 227
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited