W.V.T. Rusch Engineering Honors Colloquium; Computer animation production - a software perspective
Fri, Nov 18, 2011 @ 01:00 PM - 01:50 PM
USC Viterbi School of Engineering, Viterbi School of Engineering Student Affairs
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Dr. Saty Raghavachary, Head of Digital Training for DreamWorks Feature Animation
Talk Title: Computer animation production - a software perspective
Abstract: Dr. Saty Raghavachary, Senior Training with Digital Training for DreamWorks Feature Animation, will present "Computer animation production - a software perspective" as part of the W.V.T. Rusch Engineering Honors Colloquium.
Host: W.V.T. Rusch Engineering Honors Colloquium
More Info: http://viterbi.usc.edu/students/undergrad/honors/schedules/Location: Seeley G. Mudd Building (SGM) - 101
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Amanda Atkinson
Event Link: http://viterbi.usc.edu/students/undergrad/honors/schedules/