SAP TERP 10 Student Certification Academy
Wed, Jun 13, 2012 @ 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
Executive Education
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Richard Vawter, USC Viterbi School of Engineering
Talk Title: SAP TERP 10 Student Certification Academy
Abstract: The University of Southern California, being an active member of SAP’s Global University Alliances program since its inception in 1996, has been chosen to offer the TERP10 Academy to its students in early Summer 2012. The TERP10 Academy, and its certification, is a direct response to the global forecast of needed SAP skills in the market, estimated at between 30,000 and 40,000, in the next several years.
Students completing the TERP10 Academy and passing SAP’s certification exam will have the advantage of being equipped with a good understanding of business processes adopted by companies around the world. They will also get insights into best business practices and how SAP can be used to optimize business processes. Students will find that the TERP10 Certification will open internship opportunities as well as full time jobs with consulting firms such as Deloitte, Ernst and Young, KPMG, Hitachi, and other SAP partner companies.
There will be two offerings of the SAP TERP10 Student Certification Academy in 2012. Both offerings will run for 9 full days, with the the certification examination to be given on the morning of the 10th day.
Biography: Although Prof. Richard Vawter hasn't flown for over a decade, he's had plenty of experience in the cockpit—especially as a college student! His undergraduate degrees at both Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Arizona and UCLA were accomplished by literally flying between classes.
Upon completing his Engineering degree at UCLA, Richard Vawter started work at Rockwell International analyzing the dynamic loads placed upon the Space Shuttle during the launch and entry phases of a mission. After the Challenger incident, Richard Vawter was chosen to be part of NASA’s Crew Egress Team and assigned the task to design a system and method for the crew to escape the shuttle during a controlled emergency descent.
Following the resumption of the Space Shuttle flights, Prof. Vawter began taking graduate classes at the School of Engineering. After only one graduate class, Prof. Vawter became hooked on USC, completing Masters degrees in both Aerospace Engineering and Business Administration. After two years as a computer consultant, Prof. Vawter returned to USC and worked for the Marshall School of Business as a Computer Systems and Applications Specialist. During that time, he had the opportunity to fill in for a week teaching an ITP class and discovered his teaching talents when the students started clamoring for him to come back. Prof. Vawter began teaching officially at ITP in 1996 and currently focuses on SAP.
Host: Corporate and Professional Programs
More Info: http://mapp.usc.edu/professionalprograms/ShortCourses/TERP10.htm
Audiences: Registered Attendees
Contact: Viterbi Professional Programs
Event Link: http://mapp.usc.edu/professionalprograms/ShortCourses/TERP10.htm