ECE Seminar
Wed, Sep 14, 2022 @ 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Rodney Van Meter, Professor / Keio University
Talk Title: A Quantum Internet Architecture
Abstract: Entangled quantum communication is advancing rapidly, with laboratory and metropolitan testbeds under development, but to date there is no unifying Quantum Internet architecture. We propose a Quantum Internet architecture centered around the Quantum Recursive Network Architecture (QRNA), using RuleSet-based connections established using a two-pass connection setup. Scalability and internetworking (for both technological and administrative boundaries) are achieved using recursion in naming and connection control. In the near term, this architecture will support end-to-end, two-party entanglement on minimal hardware, and it will extend smoothly to multi-party entanglement and the use of quantum error correction on advanced hardware in the future. For a network internal gateway protocol, we recommend (but do not require) qDijkstra with seconds per Bell pair as link cost for routing; the external gateway protocol is designed to build recursively. The strength of our architecture is shown by assessing extensibility and demonstrating how robust protocol operation can be confirmed using the RuleSet paradigm.
Biography: Rodney Van Meter received a B.S. in engineering and applied science from the California Institute of Technology in 1986, an M.S. in computer engineering from the University of Southern California in 1991, and a Ph.D. in computer science from Keio University in 2006. His current research centers on quantum computer architecture, quantum networking and quantum education. He is the author of the book _Quantum Networking_. Other research interests include storage systems, networking, and post-Moore's Law computer architecture. He is now a Professor of Environment and Information Studies at Keio University's Shonan Fujisawa Campus. He is the Vice Center Chair of Keio's Quantum Computing Center, co-chair of the Quantum Internet
Research Group, a leader of the Quantum Internet Task Force, and a board member of the WIDE Project. Dr. Van Meter is a member of AAAS, ACM, APS, and IEEE. He is currently Editor in Chief of IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, but this talk is 100% personal opinions.
Host: Todd Brun
Webcast: https://usc.zoom.us/j/92417517950?pwd=WUkycy90cndVQko5R3RhQ1U3STBDdz09Location: Hughes Aircraft Electrical Engineering Center (EEB) - 132
WebCast Link: https://usc.zoom.us/j/92417517950?pwd=WUkycy90cndVQko5R3RhQ1U3STBDdz09
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Corine Wong
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