AI Seminar-Prominent features of rumors in social networks
Fri, Apr 08, 2016 @ 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Information Sciences Institute
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Meeyoung Cha , KAIST
Talk Title: Prominent features of rumors in social networks
Series: Artificial Intelligence Seminar
Abstract: *This is the First of 2 AI Seminar Talks on FRI. 4/8
Social psychology literature defines a rumor as a story in general circulation without confirmation or certainty to facts. Rumors arise in the context of ambiguity, when the meaning of a situation is not readily apparent or when people feel an acute need for
Security. Rumors hence are a powerful, pervasive, and persistent force affecting people and groups. This talk will introduce efforts on identifying rumors using massive data in social media. I will discuss the distinct patterns we observed from rumor diffusions in terms of the following aspects: temporal, structural, and linguistic.
(Published at IEEE 13th International Conference on Data Mining Conference 2013, Joint work with Sejeong Kwon, Kyomin Jung, Wei Chen, Yajun Wang)
Biography: Meeyoung Cha is an associate professor at Graduate School of Culture Technology in KAIST and currently a Visiting Professor at Facebook. Her research interests are in the analysis of large-scale online social networks with emphasis the spread of information, moods, and user influence. She received the best paper awards at ACM IMC 2007 for analyzing long-tail videos in YouTube and at ICWSM 2012 for studying social conventions in Twitter. Her research has been published in leading journals and conferences including PLoS One, Information Sciences, WWW, and ICWSM, and has been featured at the popular media outlets including the New York Times websites, Harvard Business Review's research blog, the Washington Post, the New Scientist.
Host: Emilio Ferrara
Webcast: http://webcasterms1.isi.edu/mediasite/Viewer/?peid=270f829804634fd8b615e50d00f243e41dLocation: Information Science Institute (ISI) - 11th Flr Conf Rm # 1135, Marina Del Rey
WebCast Link: http://webcasterms1.isi.edu/mediasite/Viewer/?peid=270f829804634fd8b615e50d00f243e41d
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Peter Zamar